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Conferencia especializada

EU’s Domestic and International Challenges

4th KAS Workshop on European Issues

From crisis management to more sustainable and coordinate policies?

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Wednesday October 28, 2015

20h30 Informal dinner

Thursday October 29, 2015

9h30 Official Welcome by KAS and Introductory Remarks

  • Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro, Coordinator European Policy, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin

I. European Cohesion – The Biggest Headaches

10h00 Session 1: The Eurozone and the Greek Economic and Financial Crisis. How to help Greece in the long term and how to strengthen the European Monetary Union?

  • Prof. Dimitris Keridis, Professor of International Politics at Panteion University, Senior Fellow at the Konstantinos G. Karamanlis Foundation and Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations, Athens
  • Arthur Sode, Economy and Finance Department, French General Commission for Strategy and Forward Studies (Prime Minister), Paris
  • Michael Land, CDU/CSU-Group in the European Parliament, German Bundestag, Berlin
  • Dr. Stephan Hesselmann, Office of Dr. Michael Fuchs MP, Vice-Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, German Bundestag, Berlin
Chair: Dr. Sebastian Seidel, Federal Chancellery, Berlin

12h00 Lunch Break

15h00 Session 2: Britain’s Future in Europe. How to convince the British to stay in the European Union? Which future for the dualism of Monetary Union and EU-28?

  • Prof. Nathaniel Copsey, EU Research Analyst, Referendum Unit, Europe Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London
  • Dennis Kolberg, European Policy Division, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin
  • Dr. Jana Puglierin, Program Officer, Future Forum Berlin, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin
Chair: Jan Muck Schlichting MR, Head of Unit PE 2 (EU structures, Economic and Monetary Union), Administration of the German Bundestag, Berlin

16h30 Coffee Break

II. The EU and the Public Opinion

16h45 Session 3: Rebuilding Trust in the EU Project. How to deal with the electoral success of populist parties? Where are the pro-European voices in the media and in the public sphere?

  • Pol Morillas, Research Fellow in European Affairs, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), Barcelona
  • Hans Janssens, Head of Communication, CDA Party, Den Haag
  • Isabell Hoffmann, Project Manager, Program Europe's Future, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Brussels
  • Nico Lange, Deputy Head of Department Politics and Consulting, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
Chair: Bernd Hüttemann, Secretary General, European Movement Germany, Berlin

18h15 End of the 1. Workshop Day

19h30 Dinner in the Historical Villa with

  • Julia Fendrick, U.S. Department of State, part of the US Team for the Expo Milano 2015

!Friday October 30, 2015

III. EU’s Neighborhood – A Ring of Fire?

08h30 Session 4: The Current Migrant Crisis and EU’s Policy towards the Countries of the Mediterranean Basin. Can the EU member states really work together more intensively to better manage the migration flows? What should be EU’s policy towards North Africa and in the Middle East? Is a revival of the Union for the Mediterranean possible?

  • Prof. Nadan Petrovic, Coordinator of the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies at La Sapienza University of Rome and Advisor to the Italian Parliament, Rome
  • Márton Schőberl, Director-General, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Budapest
  • Almut Möller, Co-Director, European Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin
  • Dr. Gregor Forschbach VL, Unit M I 3 (German Law on Aliens), Federal Ministry of the Interior, Berlin
Chair: Martina Kaiser, Desk Officer European Affairs, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin

10h00 Coffee Break

10h15 Session 5: The Eastern Partnership and the Russian Bear. What are the next steps to deepen the cooperation with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia? Is Russia still a strategic partner of the EU?

  • Linas Kojala, Scientific Collaborator at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Analyst at Eastern Europe Study Centre, Vilnius
  • Vladimír Hanáček, President of the Youth of the Czech People's Party and Member of the Foreign Policy Team of KDU-ČSL, Prag
Chair: Olaf Wientzek, Research Associate, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Brussels

11h45 Conclusion

12h00 Lunch

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Villa La Collina
Via Roma 11,
I-22011 Griante-Cadenabbia (CO)
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The EU’s domestic and international challenges: An International Brainstorming Workshop With Experts On European Policy
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Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro

Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro

Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Thailand +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 1307

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