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Impact of AI on Local News Models

KAS USA / Medill School Publication Launch

Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. Will it unlock growth or be an existential threat? Amidst the collapse of the mainstream news media financial model, many view the next advent of AI with trepidation. Generative Artificial Intelligence has had an explosive impact on journalism. KAS USA, in partnership with Medill School of Journalism, presented a report on the impact of AI on local journalism, based on discussions with more than 25 international news and AI experts and a workshop held last November in Washington, D.C.

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  • Dr. Hardy Ostry, Resident Representative, KAS Office USA



  • Tim Franklin, Senior Associate Dean, Professor and John M. Mutz Chair of Local News, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University
  • Jeremy Gilbert, Professor and Knight Chair in Digital Media Strategy, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University



  • Sabine Murphy, Program Manager, KAS Office USA


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Impact of AI on Local News Models: Will AI Unlock Growth or be an Existential Threat?
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Sabine Murphy

Sabine Murphy bild

Programm-Managerin +1 202 464 5841

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