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KAS USA / AGI Event Series

Transatlantic Trade Week 2024

Geopolitics, open markets and new transatlantic economic partnerships.
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KAS USA Online Event

Change and Challenges after the European Elections

A discussion about the results of the parliamentary elections in the EU and the implications for the U.S. and the transatlantic cooperation.
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KAS USA Briefing

Defense and Deterrence in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Members of the Bundeswehr, German Delegation Norfolk, visited the KAS Office USA for a civic education program.
KAS USA Dialog Program

Access to Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights in Global Health

The program focused on global health policy issues, with meetings of members of Congress, representatives of the U.S. government, and international health experts.
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KAS USA / Medill School Publication Launch

Impact of AI on Local News Models

Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. This report is looking at the role AI can play in the way customers will consume news in the future.
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KAS USA / Medill School Report

Impact of AI on Local News Models

Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. This report is looking at the role AI can play in the way customers will consume news in the future.
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to Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA, a German political foundation and Think Tank.

“Of essential and fundamental matter is the preservation of freedom and peace as the highest goods of humankind, which we share equally as policy objectives in the United States and in Europe.” - Konrad Adenauer, First Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

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KAS USA / AGI Transatlantic Trade Week 2024
Widening the Circle: Building New Transatlantic Economic Partnerships
Online event on how to build new transatlantic economic partnerships.
KAS USA Online Event
Change and Challenges after the European Elections
A discussion about the results of the parliamentary elections in the EU and the implications for the U.S. and the transatlantic cooperation.
KAS USA Dialog Program
Innovation in the Global Health Field
Hermann Gröhe, Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU-Parliamentary Group, visited the U.S. to talk about innovation in Global Health.
KAS USA / Medill School Publication Launch
Impact of AI on Local News Models
Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. This report is looking at the role AI can play in the way customers will consume news in the future.
KAS USA / UVA Online Event
Threat Perception and Deterrence after the Ukraine War
This online event launched a new report by the National Security Policy Center at the University of Virginia.

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