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The Geopolitics of Climate and Security in the Indo-Pacific

edited by Robert Glasser (ASPI)

KAS Australia is pleased to present “The Geopolitics of Climate and Security in the Indo-Pacific” produced by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute with KAS Australia’s support.

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Climate change is much more than an environmental crisis – it is a systemic crisis that will transform the geopolitical landscape. And the consequences for the Indo-Pacific, already the most exposed region in the world to climate hazards and home to the world’s fastest growing populations, economies and geopolitical rivalries, will be profound.

This publication explores the escalating effects of climate change on the region’s already fragile human systems, from great-power competition and militaries, governance and politics, food and water insecurity, and ethnic separatism, to energy and trade systems, sovereign risk and digital disinformation.

What emerges is a vivid demonstration of the dangers of underestimating the systemic connections between those factors, including how risks in one thematic area amplify risks in others, completely reshaping the regional security picture.

The Forword by Dr Robert Glasser is followed by the below Parts:

Part 1: A climate scenario: the Indo-Pacific in 2035
Part 2: Human Security and climate change in 2035
Part 3: Regional conflict and climate change in 2035
Part 4: Economic disruption and climate change in 2035
Part 5: Climate stress and regional institutions in 2035
Part 6: Conclusions and policy recommendations

 In the words of General Angus Campbell, Chief of the Australian Defence Force, who held the keynote address on the occasion of the book launch:

"[We] hope that [the book] will inspire many to take heart, and to take action”.

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Personas de contacto

Eva Wagner

Eva Wagner

Senior Programm-Koordinatorin Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Energie- und Entwicklungspolitik +61 2 6154 9323


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