KAS Media Africa, as a proud funding partner, had the privilege of supporting this landmark event, which continues to be a vital platform for networking, learning, and addressing the pressing challenges faced by investigative journalists across the globe.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to one of the winners of our 2024 KAS Media Award, Adwoa Adobea-Owusu of The Fourth Estate, who earned both a special mention for her investigative work and a second-place honor at the 2024 African Investigative Journalist of the Year Award.
This year’s conference reaffirmed the importance of investigative journalism in exposing corruption, holding power to account, and bringing to light issues that impact societies worldwide. As a partner, we are committed to ensuring this critical field of journalism remains strong and resilient in the face of evolving threats and challenges.
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Konrad Adenaueri Fond, fondi õppeasutused, hariduskeskused ja välisriikides asuvad bürood korraldavad igal aastal mitu tuhat erinevat üritust mitmesugustel teemadel. Valitud konverentside, ürituste, sümpoosionide jne kohta anname teile aja- ja asjakohast teavet aadressil www.kas.de. Siit leiate kõrvuti sisukokkuvõtetega ka täiendavaid materjale piltide, kõnede käsikirjade, videote või audiosalvestiste kujul.