Out of all the contributions varying in media from print and television to radio, three stories stood out for the jury members. These stories are:
- Ms. Maryagatha Gichana from the Daily Nation, Kenya for “Sterilised Without My Consent - Tales of HIV Positive Women”
- Mr. Kwaku Krobea Asante and Ms. Adwoa Adobea-Owusu from the Fourth Estate, Ghana for "Dangerous endorsements: Exposé on herbal medicine advertising in Ghana"
- Ms. Grace Obike from The Nation, Nigeria for "Abuja communities where girls’ breasts are suppressed to save them from rape”
Two submissions were identified for a commendation by the jury. These are;
- Ms. Cynthia Gichiri from Africa Unsencored, kenya for "Pressed Freedom" and
- Mr. Fadhel Alou from Radio Fara'a, Niger for "Gaya Niger Trafic Drogue et Insecurité"
The jury members were;
- Prof. Nancy Booker, Dean of the Graduate School of Media and Communications at the Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya
- Mr. Simon Allison, Co-Founder and International Editor of The Continent, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Ms. Nwabisa Makunga, Editor of The Sowetan, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Ms. Mamadiarra Diop, Founder of BMC Médias Consulting, Bamako, Mali
- Ms. Sandra Niemann, Editor, Science Programmes, Multimedia, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), Berlin, Germany
selle seeria kohta
Konrad Adenaueri Fond, fondi õppeasutused, hariduskeskused ja välisriikides asuvad bürood korraldavad igal aastal mitu tuhat erinevat üritust mitmesugustel teemadel. Valitud konverentside, ürituste, sümpoosionide jne kohta anname teile aja- ja asjakohast teavet aadressil www.kas.de. Siit leiate kõrvuti sisukokkuvõtetega ka täiendavaid materjale piltide, kõnede käsikirjade, videote või audiosalvestiste kujul.