This year the focus was local journalism under the umbrella of “Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption”. Recognising the impact of rapid digitisation and struggling economies, the Summit’s programme featured a wide range of topics, from resilience, sustainability and regulation to innovation, woman in media, and AI and Disinformation.
KAS Media Africa supported this pivotal event, facilitating the participation of leading media experts from Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Malawi, and Germany. Through dynamic workshops, thought-provoking panels, and collaborative sessions, the summit advanced critical conversations around strengthening local journalism’s role in upholding democracy and serving communities across the continent.
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Konrad Adenaueri Fond, fondi õppeasutused, hariduskeskused ja välisriikides asuvad bürood korraldavad igal aastal mitu tuhat erinevat üritust mitmesugustel teemadel. Valitud konverentside, ürituste, sümpoosionide jne kohta anname teile aja- ja asjakohast teavet aadressil Siit leiate kõrvuti sisukokkuvõtetega ka täiendavaid materjale piltide, kõnede käsikirjade, videote või audiosalvestiste kujul.