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Analyses et Arguments

Asylum seekers and refugees - What makes the average German tick?

par Nico Lange
TV and online news all over the world recently pictured how German chancellor Angela Merkel was booed by a small group of right-wing interferers while visiting a shelter for refugees in Heidenau, Saxony. The refugee center near Dresden was the scene of two days of rioting by right-wing extremists before. This paper briefly examines the current public opinion in Germany based on the representative polls of the “Forschungsgruppe Wahlen”. A random sample of 1,251 Germans has been polled between 18-20 August 2015.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Dr. Kristin Wesemann


Leiterin Strategie und Planung +49 30 26996-3803

Sophie Steybe

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