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Rapports pays

Analysis of Georgian National Strategic Communication System

Final Report

The survey overviews institutional, conceptual and substantial aspects of Georgian Government’s strategic communication and offers recommendations aimed at enhancement of the effectiveness of the strategic communication process.

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European and Euro-Atlantic Integration are top priorities of Georgia’s foreign and security policy. These priorities stem from a desire of Georgian population to build a modern, free, democratic and prosperous state based on full respect of human rights and freedoms, democratic institutions, supremacy of law and free economy. Joining European Union and NATO is a clearly declared aspiration of Georgian population.

Proceeding from fundamental national interests of Georgia, the important task for the government is to develop and implement an effective communication strategy that fosters the process of Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration and effectively counters Russian propaganda.

The survey overviews institutional, conceptual and substantial aspects of Georgian Government’s strategic communication and offers recommendations aimed at enhancement of the effectiveness of the strategic communication process.

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À propos de cette collection

La Fondation Konrad-Adenauer est présente avec son propre bureau dans 70 pays du monde sur les cinq continents. Les collaborateurs locaux peuvent rapporter de première main les événements actuels et les évolutions à long terme dans leur pays d'accueil. Leur « rapports nationaux » présentent en exclusivité aux utilisateurs du site Internet de la Fondation Konrad-Adenauer des analyses, des informations de fond et des évaluations.

Informations à propos des commandes


Tbilisi Georgien

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