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Ensuring higher education quality in Ukraine while implementing the Ukraine-EU association agreement

Expert discussion

On the May 15th KAS Ukraine in cooperation with the analytical agency "Educational trends" and Kyiv School of Economics organize the discussion "Ensuring higher education quality in Ukraine while implementing the Ukraine-EU association agreement"

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Under the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, Ukraine is committed to enhance the quality and relevance of higher education. To reach this commitment, Ukraine must bring its internal and external higher education quality assurance systems up to the ESG Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Since the logic of the current Ukrainian universities quality assurance system is at odds with the ESG requirements, the commitment means constructing new quality assurance systems nearly “from scratch”. This task was laid out in the 2014 version of the Law of Ukraine On Higher Education. However, nearly four years of implementing the law, the progress in building up an ESG-compliant quality assurance system is unfortunately small. Moreover, the key stakeholders involved into implementing and monitoring the Association Agreement pay no attention to the situation.

The expert discussion aims at highlighting the current phase of creating an ESG-compliant higher education quality assurance system in Ukraine. The results of the discussion will be summarized in an analytical paper and disseminated among organizations and experts involved into implementing the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement and reforming the higher education sector.

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Kyiv School of Economics


Початок впровадження європейських стандартів забезпечення якості вищої освіти в Україні: АНАЛІТИЧНА ЗАПИСКА ЗА РЕЗУЛЬТАТАМИ ФАХОВОЇ ДИСКУСІЇ
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