Through the analysis of theory, practice, and policy, it becomes evident that the trade potential, particularly for e-commerce between Vietnam and the EU, is substantial. Over the three years of implementing the Vietnam - EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) until 2023, Vietnam - EU trade has seen remarkable achievements. The average export growth rate to the EU from 2021 to 2023 reached 8.1%. Concurrently, Vietnamese businesses are progressively establishing an e-commerce business model with the EU, achieving initial success.
The seminar brought together a wide range of perspectives from representatives of ministries, research institutes, business associations, and enterprises. Additionally, we were pleased to receive commentary and feedback from Ms. Sita Zimpel, Project Director of ASEAN Regional Economic Integration at GIZ in VIET NAM, who provided valuable insights into e-commerce in the EU and discussed the effects of EU policies and laws on businesses from non-EU countries. Besides, we received several recommended solutions to boost e-commerce between Vietnam and the EU, particularly in light of the four years since the EVFTA Agreement came into effect.
Through this study, we aim to assist Vietnamese policymakers and businesses in identifying new opportunities that Vietnam should prioritize to enhance the EVFTA, of which Germany is a member. This effort will contribute to promoting and strengthening cooperation and exchange between Vietnam and the EU.
Mis à disposition par
Foundation Office Vietnam
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