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Climate Change & Israel's National Security

The recent heat wave in Israel and the wildfires raging in the country in mid-October, as well as in neighboring Syria and Lebanon, serve as a stark reminder that climate change is happening now, and that its impacts are already felt in the Middle East. Given the expected frequency of heat waves, the reduction in water resources, and rising sea levels in the Middle East, Israel might well face a significant problem of regional instability, accompanied by large numbers of climate refugees at its borders. To better prepare for this dark future, Israel should incorporate climate change into its national security agenda, and integrate climate threats, domestic and abroad, in its national security assessments. Israel should consider the regional scenarios under any adaptation plan, and budget and operate accordingly.

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Prof. Colin Price is head of the Porter School of Environmental Studies at Tel Aviv University. This article is the product of a new research program on climate and national security at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel Aviv. The program supported by the office of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel (KAS Israel). It is an abridged and updated version of a longer article that will be published on the INSS website in late 2020.

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