Diversifying Options for Cambodia's Economic Diplomacy Strategy: German and Southeast Asian Perspectives - Direction de la coopération européenne et internationale
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Diversifying Options for Cambodia's Economic Diplomacy Strategy: German and Southeast Asian Perspectives
MFA.IC has launched a comprehensive “Economic Diplomacy Strategy – Phase I (2021-2023)” in 2021. The strategy outlined Cambodia’s plan to achieve grand objectives such as promotion of international trade, attracting more foreign direct investment to the Kingdom, boosting tourism, and promoting Cambodia’s cultural identity on regional and global stage. The Economic Diplomacy strategy was adopted with a vision of “strengthening Cambodia’s national prestige by advancing and maximizing national economic interest”. Phase I of the Strategy has concluded in 2023 and is now pending for an unveiling of the Phase II of the strategy. As we are expecting the launch of the second phase of the strategy, gathering credible inputs from diverse perspectives is crucial.