Energy and Covid-19: Sustainable Finance - Direction de la coopération européenne et internationale
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Energy and Covid-19: Sustainable Finance
An essential tool to enable access to clean and affordable energy in Namibia
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 targets to ensure access to affordable and clean energy to all beings by 2030. Namibia is characterized by low energy access levels, especially in rural areas. Renewable energy in the form of hydropower, solar, wind and biomass are sources of clean energy in Namibia, but coal and oil still provide a large portion of the country’s energy. Incremental policies and financial resources are still required to support growth in investments for on-grid, mini grid, and off-grind energy complemented by energy efficiency projects to address energy challenges. Options including microcredit, project finance and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can be considered to achieve community electrification and energy efficiencies depending on the scale of the project.