Titre unique
The increasing use-cases of space assets reflect the rise in the dependency on space assets. As our life is closely linked to space, any threat to each space asset may endanger our security. For instance, GPS jamming incidents may result in aviation accidents.2 Furthermore, it may cause national security issues, such as a power grid failure caused by solar storm.3 With space emerging as a new battlefield, interest in space-related national security threats has been on the rise. In other words, space security has become one of emerging security issues.
This paper will take a look at risk factors of space security based on risk management principles and discuss how to manage them. First of all, it will explain the concept of risk management for space security and introduce typical risk events. And then this paper will introduce key participants managing such risks and their organizations, and countermeasures. Lastly, it will discuss the possibility of working with Europe on risk management for space security.