The Great Illusion Revisited: The Future of the European Union’s Arctic Engagement - Direction de la coopération européenne et internationale
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The Great Illusion Revisited: The Future of the European Union’s Arctic Engagement
A KAS Briefing Paper by Dr. Andreas Raspotnik, Senior Researcher at the High North Center for Business and Governance, Nord University, Bodø, Norway
Keen observers of Arctic news headlines must have recently been amazed by the European Union edging again towards the Arctic stage. Despite our world being stymied by a sub-microscopic infectious agent, headlines on the future of the EU’s Arctic policy become more frequent–albeit starting from a rather low level of frequency. This brief takes advantage of an emerging EU-Arctic momentum and the future of the EU’s Arctic engagement by re-considering the EU’s Arctic status quo, the geopolitical realities of a new Arctic policy and the distinct role of the European Parliament in this policy-making process.