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Social Media Guide for Politicians

Social Media has finally arrived in politics in Africa. Just a fewyears ago it was hard to convince party bosses that they shouldset aside funds and resources for social media. Some mighthave been worried to share control, others were simply notfamiliar with the new technologies. Now we see social mediaas an essential tool in many campaigns. But again it is notsufficient just to set up a Facebook account and wait for victoryin the next elections – social media is a tool that should beused but without being driven by it.

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The scandal around Facebook might only be the tip of the

iceberg, but it shows how important it is to control the data we

give away. Like we control our data, we should be aware that

dealing with social media as a party or as a politician carries

with it a far bigger responsibility than for an individual who

uses it. Inappropriate posts or retweets of information that

have not been cross-checked can cause havoc in communities

and whole societies.

Be relaxed about social media. Work with people who are savvy in the new technologies and handle

them in a responsible manner.

We at KAS Media Africa have observed the changes in the field very closely. We know that a booklet

like this might be overtaken by technology only months after it has been published. We, however,

wish you success as you use these new means of communication to reach many of your followers

more quickly and more effectively than ever before.


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