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Conférence spécialisée

Conference on Local Journalism

Chances and challenges

KAS Media Africa is due to host a conference on local journalism – bringing together 20 academics and senior editors from 11 countries to exchange views on this subject. Topics and presentations at this gathering include ethics and training in local journalism, ways for print journalism to catch up with the digital space in local news, and the challenges of philanthropy. The participants will also hear about case studies of 21 local media organisations around the globe, and discuss the future of local news.

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News from the village or the region interests people. Such news stories matter to local advertisers, who ensure the survival of many media outlets. In Germany, but also in the United States, there was and is a lively media landscape outside of the big cities. In many African countries, on the other hand, a centralised model dominates: the editorial office in the capital employs, at best, correspondents in the provinces. But that is where life happens, where voters and consumers live.

The conference in Salima will gather high-ranking participants from Malawi, Kenya, Nigeria, Germany, Australia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and other countries to discuss local journalism. How can it be strengthened in Africa, generate income and at the same time open up the world to readers, listeners and viewers?

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Lieu de l'événement

Salima, Lilongwe


Christoph Plate

Christoph Plate bild

Leiter des Medienprogramms Südosteuropa +359 2 942-4971 +359 2 94249-79

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