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KAS E-lection Bridge Africa

Campaigning 2.0 in Africa and Germany

Welcome to the first KAS E-lection Bridge Africa in Ghana - the innovative summit conference of German and African campaign experts, who will share their experiences and insights with each other in Accra.

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Travelling through Africa reveals a continent on the move. This is especially true for the field of communication. All over the region the number of internet and, particularly, cell phone users is rapidly rising. Even in remote areas, life without a cell phone is often unimaginable. And these devices are increasingly web compatible. “A revolution,” proclaim professional observers. Modern political communication is affected and altered by these innovations. In fact, the effects of digitalisation on democratic competition are already visible in many places on the continent – on websites, social networks and YouTube videos. From Accra to Johannesburg, from Kampala to Windhoek, from Nairobi to Maputo.

Change in technology and content mean challenges not only for the campaign movers and shakers in the African region. Their German colleagues are also continually discussing and trying out new instruments of political communication, true to the belief, “the future is now.” The idea of sharing knowledge seems apparent, providing a platform from which everyone can profit. KAS Media Africa, the Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, would like to contribute to such an exchange. We want to build a bridge – between German and African players in modern political communication, who can then share their ideas, practices, successes, failures, assessments and much more.

Welcome to the KAS E-lection Bridge Africa! We want to veer away from the one-way street in which knowledge and experience only flow in one direction, and head toward a new form of ‘two-way road’ between the practitioners. Welcome to Accra!

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Dr. Klaus Schüler (General Manager, CDU Deutschlands), Oliver Röseler (Head of Marketing & Internal Communication, CDU Deutschlands)


Dr. Klaus Schüler: "A successful premiere" - The first KAS E-lection Bridge Africa: Top African and German political communicators meeting in Accra/Ghana
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Markus Brauckmann

Markus Brauckmann bild

Head of the Regional Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa

E-lectionbridge Africa switsch / Medienprogramm Sub-Sahara

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