Comptes-rendus d'événement
Group shot of the #AfricaBlogging network members with facilitators Dave Duarte and Raoul Jochum and the KAS Media Africa staff with head Christian Echle.
Dave Duarte, South African marketing expert and entrepreneur combined theoretical input and practical work.
A group session was dedicated to the development of a constitutional charta
Aine Ruth Tindyebwa was elected as one of three editors of #AfricaBlogging website.
Raoul Jochum exchanging experiences with the bloggers.
The workshop input led to animated discussions among the bloggers.
During the group sessions the bloggers could discuss and refine their individual blog strategies.
Single bloggers becoming a network: in the warm up session the members got to know each other better.
Meanwhile there was a lot of live tweeting about the workshop as well as networking going on.