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Energy transition in the Mediterranean amidst geopolitical pressures and the energy crisis

Securing Energy, Reshaping Decarbonisation

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The Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa (REMENA) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in collaboration with the Policy Center for the New South, organized a workshop in Rabat on June 22, 2023. The workshop brought together experts, think tankers, policymakers, NGOs, and private sector actors from the wider Mediterranean region.

The workshop aimed to explore potential challenges and opportunities for energy transition in the Mediterranean region during times of energy crisis and geopolitical pressure. Discussions revolved around developing a clean hydrogen economy, strengthening regional cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean, fostering collaboration between Mediterranean countries to prevent confrontational dynamics related to energy issues, and analyzing economic models for energy transition through public-private cooperation.

Key outcomes included the recognition of the Mediterranean's significant fossil fuel legacy, emphasizing the importance of considering low-carbon hydrogen options based on natural gas. The workshop also highlighted the need to balance renewable energy generation for export with domestic energy requirements, promoting the repurposing of gas infrastructure and smart grid technologies.

The event encouraged the idea of creating a collaborative network or platform for energy experts in the Mediterranean region, aimed at fostering knowledge sharing and cooperation among stakeholders involved in the energy transition efforts.

Challenges were identified, including limited access to private capital hindering international investment, technical integration of renewable energy with existing infrastructure, and the need for greater regional collaboration beyond competitive visions. The workshop emphasized the role of think tanks in providing valuable insights and recommendations for energy transition policies and strategies.

In conclusion, the workshop successfully addressed the energy transition challenges and opportunities in the Mediterranean region. Continued efforts are needed to address financing and technical integration challenges while fostering greater collaboration through platforms like the Mediterranean Circle for Energy Experts. By doing so, the region can navigate its energy transition amidst geopolitical pressures and energy crises, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future.


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