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We mourn the loss of our Honorary Chairman Prof. Dr Bernhard Vogel

The former Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia died at the age of 92.

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North Africa’s Power Shift

The study highlights current developments, challenges, and opportunities regarding the development of renewable energy in North Africa, at a national level and through regional coop...

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Trade Winds and Tides

Trade Winds and Tides

A new study by the Lebanese Citizen Foundation and KAS-REMENA explores strategies to enhance food security and trade resilience in the Arab Med amid escalating climate challenges.

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Dialogue Program

Reshaping Mediterranean Energy Cooperation

From Oct 13-18, we organized the "Reshaping Mediterranean Energy Cooperation" program, where Med energy experts shared recommendations with key stakeholders in Berlin and Brussels.

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3rd Meeting of the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle

The Mediterranean energy landscape amid global and regional geopolitical dynamics

KAS-REMENA and PCNS co-hosted the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle from Sept 18-20, 2024, in Villa La Collina in Italy to discuss geopolitical dynamics and energy cooperation.

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Scenarios on Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris 2040

Addressing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus through Cooperation among Riparian States

Our new report from our Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin workshop offers scenarios and policy recommendations for water management and regional cooperation up to 2040.

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Bienvenue au Programme Régionale Sécurité Energétique et Changement Climatique au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (KAS - REMENA). Nous promouvons le dialogue et la coopération partenariale entre les pays de la Région du Moyen Orient et l’Afrique du Nord de même que l’Europe en ce qui concerne des questions des ressources et le changement climatique.

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