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Electoral Reform in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

This is a result of another joint venture between Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the ICJ Kenya. In the absence of a consensus over what kind of electoral systems are best in the African context, this book seeks to evaluate and debate the different electoral systems vis-a-vis the democratic gains that each may offer the African people.

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Expert contributors from a range of disciplines and practices including law, social science and journalism deal with topical issues in this book with the aim of promoting action as well as understanding in support of electoral reform in Africa. The book is divided into four parts. part 1 addresses electoral issues and trends in the Southern part of Africa by using South Africa and Malawi as examples; part 2 reviews electoral issues and trends in the Eastern part of Africa and uses Kenya as an example; part 3 examines the electoral trends and issues in West Africa and uses Mali as an example; while part 4 addresses the thorny issue of conflict management in Africa by assessing the role of electoral dispute mechanism on the continent. The book has a total of eight articles and was edited by Mr. Mikewa Ogada.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#3: Eduardo Magrani über Datenschutz in Lateinamerika

Mit Eduardo Magrani sprechen wir über die DSGVO und ihren Einfluss auf die lateinamerikanische und vor allen die brasilianische Gesetzgebung.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#2: Ioana Stupariu über den Einfluss der DSGVO in Südosteuropa

Ioana Stupariu berät kleine und mittelständische Start-ups in Südosteuropa bei der Implementierung von Datenschutzrichtlinien. Und sie forscht zu Datenschutz & Privacy.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#1: Frederick Richter über die weltweite Wirkung der Datenschutzgrundverordnung der EU

Mit Frederick Richter sprechen wir über die Stiftung Datenschutz, die Rolle des Datenschutzes in Deutschland und über die DSGVO und ihre Ausstrahlungswirkung in die Welt.

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