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ISAS-KAS Workshop: The IPEF and the Contours of Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific

On the 1st of March 2024, KAS Japan, in partnership with the Institute of South Asian Studies NUS (ISAS), hosted an engaging workshop building on the insights shared in the recent publication "The Making of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)". The workshop brought together a diverse group of experts from the Indo-Pacific region and beyond for an insightful exploration of key topics on economic security in the area. This document summarises the comprehensive discussions and analyses presented during the event, providing a valuable resource for understanding recent developments and gaining nuanced insights into the topic.

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Cristita Marie Perez

Cristita Marie Perez KAS

Managerin des Regionalprogramms Soziale Ordnungspolitik Asien (SOPAS)

cristita.perez@kas.de +81 3 6426 5041


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