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Call for Book Proposals

On the Future of Indian Foreign Policy with Special Attention to the Gonal Security Architecture and India‘s Relationsship with the ‘West’

The India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is pleased to announce a scheme to commission original manuscripts on well-researched topics of Indian foreign policy.

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While the chapter of the Non-Aligned-Movement served India well during the Cold War, the international security landscape is rapidly shifting since the Ukraine war and India is growing into a global economic powerhouse. Bearing such immense strategic importance, India is able to shape the landscape of multilateralism and international cooperation. This brings with it further responsibility in handling Indian foreign affairs. This book seeks to delve into the Indian foreign policy strategy for the decades to come and particularly how it will include the so called West as a security partner in the Indo-Pacific region. Is there or should there be a recalibration of Indias strategic AND economic agenda taking to account that (1) The relationship with the US is way better that in former decades (2) Europe is getting back into strategic politics and re-arming itself (3) The old partner Moscow is isolated by 70 procent of governments in the world, militarily weak and economicly shrinking and (4) China is getting more powerfull and aggressive.

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Ashish Gupta

Ashish Gupta

Leiter der Programme

ashish.gupta@kas.de +91 11 24113520 /
+91 11 45506834
+91 11 45506836

Simran Dhingra

Simran Dhingra

Leiterin der Abteilung Internationale Zusammenarbeit

simran.dhingra@kas.de +91 11 24113520 /
+91 11 45506834
+91 11 45506836


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