Szakmai konferencia
Thursday, September 12
9:30 - 11:00 |
Széchényi Hall
Welcome Addresses and Keynote Session I Gábor Kemény
Welcome Addresses:
Gábor Kemény Vice-Rector for Institutional Development, Ludovika University of Public Service
Franziska Cecon University of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria, Social, Public, and Nonprofit Management
Diana – Camelia Iancu National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest
Ronald Bieber Austrian Computer Society
Keynotes: Anikó Juhász Deputy Secretary of State, Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture
Johann Doppelbauer Commissioner for Digitisation, Austrian Ministry of Agriculture
11:00 - 11:30 |
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 |
Széchényi Hall
Welcome Addresses and Keynote Session II Gábor Kemény
Keynotes: Ioana Petrescu Taubman Center for State and Local Government, President of Simply Green
Pál Goda Managing director of the Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Economics
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch buffet
13:30 - 15:00 |
Session 3.1
eAgriculture I
Rodica Ciobanu
Széchényi Hall
Vertical Farming Perspective and Challenges: A Comparative Review between China and the EU
Ina Vîrtosu, Chen Li
Digital Farming: A Framework to Reduce Gender Divides in Agriculture
Mosa Shrabony Sheikh, László Berényi
Study on Collaborative Smart Farming over Digital Platform
Martin MŽ Žagar, Dua DW Weraikat, Kristina KŠ Šorić, Mateo MS Sokač
Session 3.2
eGovernment I
Franziska Cecon
Zrínyi terem
Classification of Journals in the Scimago Database Related to Subfields of Public Administration Science
Péter Sasvári, Emese Belényesi
Implementing mandatory e-invoices B2B in Germany– Issues, Obstacles and probable Showstoppers
Robert Müller-Török, Christoph Schmidt
The Hungarian Parliament in the shadow of crisis (2015-2023)
Fanni Tanács-Mandák
Session 3.3
Smart Cities I
Karyna Radchenko
Renewed land and real estate registers through digitalization
Zsolt Czékmann, Gergely Cseh-Zelina, Eszter Czibrik
Linking smart city projects to the internal e-government projects of municipalities in Germany
Stephan Jarvers, Christian Schachtner
Facilitating Environmental Monitoring for Sustainable Smart Regions by Enabling Citizen Co-Creation
Roger Hage, Gerhard Kormann-Hainzl, Rubén Ruiz-Torrubiano
15:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch buffet
15:30 - 17:00 |
Sessions 4.1 - 4.3
Session 4.1
eAgriculture II
Tamás Szádeczky
Széchényi Hall
Problems of Female Civil Servants in the Agriculture Sector of Bangladesh: Digitalization to Reduce the Trap Between Career and Typical Family Expectation
ANM Zakir Hossain
Cutting-edge technologies for Water Resource Management in e-Agriculture solutions
Bogdan-Ionut Pahontu, Diana-Andreea Arsene, Alexandru Predescu
Programme CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2024 #ceeegov
FinTech Solutions Supporting Sustainable Agriculture – Lessons
from Africa
Judit Glavanits, Tamás Szabó
Session 4.2
eGovernment II
Csaba Fasi
Zrínyi terem
Examining the Effect of Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions on E-Government Adoption by Employees in Mandatory Condition
Nur Syuhaini Abdul Wahi, László Berényi
Comparative Analysis of Digitization in Eastern European Public Sectors: Insights from International E-Government Indicators
Gábor Bozsó
Measuring Impact on Confidence in Institutions by their Use of Software Components
Alois Paulin
Session 4.3
Smart Cities II / eCulture
Alexander Prosser
John Lukacs társalgó
Graph theory algorithms in optimizing urban infrastructure in smart cities
Florentina Pană-Micu
Is Smart City model promising for sustainable post-war recovery of Ukraine?
Karyna Radchenko
The Digitalisation of Cultural Institutions as Innovation and Opportunity: Literature review and case study
Sieun Park, Hiroko Kudo
After 17:00 |
Friday, September 13
09:00 - 10:30 |
Session 5.1
Economy and Society I
Martin Kandlhofer
Széchényi Hall
Fostering the transition from the traditional to the innovational state given the modernisation processes in the Republic of Moldova
Rodica Ciobanu, Mariana Rosca
The Future of Cohesion Policy. How the 9th Cohesion Report was prepared
Csaba Fasi
Web3Gaming: ASectoral Analysis and Forecast to 2033
Ádám Bereczk, Erika Szilágyiné Fülöp, Bettina Hodine Hernadi
Session 5.2
eGovernment III
Alois Paulin
Zrínyi terem
Ranking the importance of personal competencies for public servants
László Berényi, Gábor László
Civil servants’ competence frameworks: a necessity for modern and digital public administrations
Georgiana Madalina Mihaila
Communicating crimes with maps to citizens
László Bói, Andrea Pődör, Szabolcs Mátyás, Bálint Kis
Session 5.3
Cybersecurity I
Norbert Mozsonyi
John Lukacs társalgó
The relationship between the dark triad personality and cybersecurity
Péter Bányász, Pál K. Laska, Tamás Szádeczky, Kincső B. Váczi
The current state and challenges of the cybersecurity legal framework in the context of EU financial entities
Kristóf Stölczer, Tamás Szádeczky
The relationship between generative artificial intelligence and
Péter Bányász, Tamás Szádeczky, Kincső B. Váczi
10:30 - 11:00 |
Lunch buffet
11:00 - 12:30 |
Session 6.1
Economy and Society II
Florentina Pană-Micu
Széchényi Hall
The Digital Work Platforms in Romania: An overview of the current state and possible advancements
Mariana Rosca
From Captured States to Freed States using ICT
Peter Klotz
Human-Oriented Economy: Economic Transformation in the European Union and Hungary
Csaba Fasi
Session 6.2
Cybersecurity II
Alexander Prosser
Zrínyi terem
Proactive Curriculum Development for Cyber Security Education: A Model of Micro-Credentials and Active Blended Learning
Gregor Eibl, Christoph Jungbauer, Olga Litvyak, Peter Völkl, Christian Luidold
Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness and Education
Celina Junghans, Gerald Quirchmayr, Thomas Schaberreiter, Martin Kandlhofer, Ronald Bieber, Jerry Andriessen, Mirjam Pardijs
Digital data (protection) security – a contestable and fair digital market ecosystem
Norbert Mozsonyi
Session 6.3
Workshop Industry 4.0
András Nemeslaki
John Lukacs társalgó
Industry 4.0 and AI: business drivers and risks
Petra Benedek
Imre Kulcsár
István Törcsváry
László Molnár
Zsolt Bederna
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch break (buffet)
13:30 - 15:00 |
Session 7.1
Economy and Society III
Mariana Rosca
Széchényi Hall
Roles of Social Actors in Creating Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Mistar Oussama, Csaba Makó
Chance or constraint? – A case study of the need for virtual integration of Hungarian companies
Tamás Faludi
Fake News and Hate Speech– Evidence from Germany
Domenica Bagnato, Thomas Hemker, Robert Müller-Török, Alexander Prosser, Sven Sroka
Session 7.2
eGovernment IV / eHealth
Georgiana Madalina Mihaila
Zrínyi terem
Forms of international criminal cooperation: especially for joint investigative teams in relation to transparency
Dalma L. Dominek
National Space Law - European best practices for and effective and competitive national regulatory environment
Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy
Smart and digital Healthcare – Advanced Technologies and Security Issues
Arina Alexei, Nicolae Platon, Ion Bolun, Anatolie Alexei
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee break Voting on the audience award
15:00 - 16:30 |
Closing session
Tamás Szádeczky
Széchényi Hall
Presentation Best Paper Awards
Tamás Szádeczky
Closing Remarks CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2025
Alexander Prosser