📌 The KAS MDPD is coordinating the development of a Study on the correlation of democratic development/categories of regime and a country’s effort in addressing issues of climate change. Therefore, we are looking for six country experts to contribute to case studies on the selected target countries and work with our lead author on the conclusions and policy recommendations. These contributions will be done by participating in oral and/or written interviews/questionnaires provided by the lead author.
🔎 The Study will target the following six countries, divided by categories used in the Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index:
Full Democracy: The Netherlands and Canada
Flawed Democracy: Brazil, Indonesia, and South Africa
Authoritarian: China
📌 These case studies will provide a general account and specific examples of how the relevant country addresses climate change issues through land use planning decisions; they will be prepared in line with a structured template and methodology provided by the lead author and approved by KAS.
📲 Download the full vacancy for more details: click the button in the upper right corner - alt. link.
📌 Application deadline: 7 December 2022
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