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Reportage sui paesi

Food Security Mapping and Analysis Report

In the mid year of 2016, KAS Kenya commissioned the food security stakeholder mapping study that extensively identified and outlined functions of existing policies and institutions charged with ensuring food security in Baringo and West Pokot counties of Kenya. Findings of the study indicated that the two target counties were generally food insecure with the existing strategies applied by state and non-state actors being fairly effective, efficient and sustainable in averting food insecurity and disasters such as drought.

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In the mid year of 2016, KAS Kenya commissioned the food security stakeholder mapping study that identified and outlined functions of existing policies and institutions charged with ensuring food security in Baringo and West Pokot counties. Findings of the study indicated that the two counties were generally food insecure with the existing strategies applied by state and non-state actors being fairly effective, efficient and sustainable in averting food insecurity and disasters such as drought.


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La Fondazione Konrad Adenauer è presente con uffici propri in circa 70 Paesi dei cinque Continenti. I collaboratori presenti sul posto possono riferire direttamente su avvenimenti attuali e sviluppi nel lungo periodo nei Paesi in cui sono impegnati. Sotto "Notizie dai Paesi" mettono a disposizione degli utenti del sito web della Fondazione Konrad Adenauer analisi, informazioni di background e valutazioni esclusive.

informazioni per l'ordine


Kenya Kenya