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European Data Summit 2024

Enabling Innovation. Boosting Competition.

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Der European Data Summit 2024 findet vom 17. bis 19. April in der Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und in der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Berlin statt.

Europa gilt derzeit als Vorreiter bei der Digital- und Datenregulierung. Gleichzeitig hinken europäische Unternehmen jedoch bei der Entwicklung und Skalierung wettbewerbsfähiger datenbasierter Geschäftsmodelle im Vergleich zu den USA und China hinterher. Der neue EU-Rechtsrahmen zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu Daten gerechter und wettbewerbsfähiger zu gestalten und gleichzeitig die Nutzung von Daten insgesamt zu steigern.

Mit dem European Data Summit 2024 - "Enabling Innovation. Boosting Competition", veranstaltet von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und dem Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie, soll verdeutlicht werden, dass Europa seine internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nur durch innovative datengetriebene Lösungen erhalten kann. Um eine Data InnoNation zu werden, bedarf es Vertrauen in Europas Innovationsfähigkeit einen klaren Regulierungsansatz und eine praktikable Durchsetzung der geltenden gesetzlichen Regeln.

Seien Sie vom 17. bis 19. April 2024 in der Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und in der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Berlin dabei und nehmen Sie an unserer Data InnoNation Reise teil. Wir werden das Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Bausteine des neuen Rechtsrahmens mit ExpertInnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft kritisch analysieren und aufzeigen, wie wir gemeinsam den Wandel in Europa mit innovativen datenbasierten Lösungen vorantreiben können.


Die Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt. Bitte melden Sie sich nur an, wenn Sie die Veranstaltung vor Ort besuchen möchten.




Speakerinnen & Speaker 


Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx

Chairwoman, German Ethics Council / Technical University of Munich

Foto: © TUM/Lara Freiburger

Max von Thun

Open Markets Institute

Andreas Wiebe

Georg-August-University of Göttingen

Bernardine Fernz

Open Contracting Partnership, UK

Björn Juretzki

European Commission, DG Connect

Damian Boeselager

MEP, Volt, Group of the GreensEuropean Free Alliance

Daniela Kluckert

Parliamentary State Secretary, BMDV

Foto: © Bundesregierung/Jesco Denzel

David Zamora

Global Data Barometer, Costa Rica

Gary Hilgemann

Founder & CEO of REBOTNIX

Heiko Richter

Max-Planck-Institute for Competition and Innovation

Iris Plöger

Member of Executive Board, Federation of German Industries

Johnny Ryan

Director of Enforce, Irish Center for Civil Liberties

Juan Hahn

Hahn Network

Kai Zenner

UN Secretary-General’s 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI' Head of Office, A. Voss, MEP

Laura Balke

European Commission, DG Connect

Lina Rusch

Tagesspiegel Background

Michael König

European Commission, DG Competition

Thomas Jarzombek

Member of the German Parliament, CDU/CSU

Foto: © Tobias Koch

Sicco Lehmann-Brauns

Siemens AG

Sophie Gappa

Competition Policy, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Thorsten Käseberg

Head of Competition Policy, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Ulrich Ahle


Vittorio E. Cottafavi

U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division

Lena Düpont

Member of the European Parliament EPP

Foto: ©Luisa Schiffner



Day I "Enabling Innovation. Boosting Competition"

03:00pm Welcome Address

Christoph Brand

Member of Executive Board, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Iris Plöger

Member of Executive Board, Federation of German Industries 

03:15pm Opening Keynote

Enabling Innovation. Boosting Competition.

Daniela Kluckert

Parliamentary State Secretary, BMDV


03:30pm – 04:15pm Panel I

Data Innovation in Europe – One Click Away?

Thomas Jarzombek

Member of the German Parliament, CDU/CSU  

Iris Plöger

Member of Executive Board, Federation of German Industries

Jaana Sinipuro

DataSpace Europe Oy, Finnland

Daniela Kluckert

Parliamentary State Secretary, BMDV

Lina Rusch

Tagesspiegel Background / Moderation


04:15pm – 04:30pm Keynote

Leverage in Competition: Innovation

Gary Hilgemann

Founder & CEO of REBOTNIX


04:30pm – 04:45pm Keynote

How data usage Xcelerates digital ecosystems in industries

Gerhard Kress

Siemens AG


04:45pm – 05:15pm Break


05:15pm – 06:00pm Panel II

Implementing new rules for innovative data economy

Christina Schmidt-Holtmann
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Bjoern Juretzki
European Commission, DG Connect

Sebastian Rockstroh

Michael Dose

Federation of German Industries / Moderation


06:00pm Keynote

Big Tech, AI, and Europe’s digital sovereignty

Max von Thun                                                 
Open Markets Institute, Washington


06:15pm – 07:00pm Panel III
The great US-Europe antitrust convergence?

Vittorio E. Cottafavi                                                           
U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division

Thorsten Käseberg

Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Simonetta Vezzoso

University of Trento                         

Samuel Stolton

Bloomberg / Moderation


07:00pm – 07:15pm Break


07:15pm – 08:00 Panel IV
DMA Enforcement: Where do we go from here?

Michael Koenig

European Commission, DG Competition

Sophie Gappa

Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Mark Buse                                                      

Match Group 

Francesco Versace


Simonetta Vezzoso

University of Trento / Moderation                


08:00pm – 08:15pm

Six horsemen of the digital apocalypse

Johnny Ryan / Andreas Schwab / Pencho Kuzev  

08:15pm Reception


Day II "Enabling Innovation. Boosting Competition"

09:00am – 09:10am Welcome Remarks

Thomas Koenen

Federation of German Industries
09:10am – 09:25am Keynote

Stephen Anderson
Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs,
U.S. Department of State


09:25am – 10:30am Panel I
The EU AI Act: A bittersweet ending?

Ian Brown
Centre for Technology and Society,

Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School, Rio de Janeiro

Kai Zenner
UN Secretary-General’s 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI'/

Head of Office, A. Voss, MEP

Jeremy Rollison
Government Affairs Microsoft

Corinna Visser

Table.Briefings / Moderation                                          


10:30am – 10:45amBreak


10:45am - 10:55am Keynote
European Health Data Space
Fulvia Raffaelli (v)

European Commission, DG for Health and Food Safety

10:55am – 11:40am Panel II
European Health Data Space: 2024 a Breakthrough Year?
Fulvia Raffaelli

European Commission, DG for Health and Food Safety

Dorothee Stamm

Medtronic GmbH

Thomas Renner

German Federal Ministry of Health

Beatrice Kluge

gematik GmbH

Maro Bader
Roche Pharma AG
Pencho Kuzev / Moderation



11:40am – 12:00 pm Break


12:00pm – 12:20 pm Keynote

Time for Implementation: Completed Framework for the Digital Economy?

Renate Nikolay (v)                                                                                                                            Deputy Director-General, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Michael Dose / Moderation
Federation of German Industries


12:20pm – 01:15pm Panel II

Beyond compliance - Building balanced business models

Jaana Sinipuro                                                                                                                                    DataSpace Europe Oy, Finland

Eric Pol                                                                                                                                                    MyData

Mariane ter Veen                                                                                                                                  Innopay, Amsterdam

Pencho Kuzev / Moderation                                                                                                            Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


01:15pm – 02:00pm Panel III
Fair access to data for research purposes?


Ruppert Stüwe

Member of the German Parliament, SPD 

Sicco Lehmann-Brauns                                                                                                                      SIEMENS AG

Sonja Schimmler                                                                                                                                TU Berlin / Fraunhofer FOKUS

Aline Blankertz                                                                                                                                    Wikimedia


02:00pm – 02:45pm Networking Lunch


02:45pm – 03:10pm Keynotes

Europe’s most hyped law in the election year: the GDPR


Alena Buyx
Chairwoman, German Ethics Council / Technical University of Munich
Karolina Mojzesowicz (v)
European Commission, DG for Justice and Consumers

03:10pm – 03:45pm Panel IV
Europe’s most hyped law in the election year: the GDPR
Johnny Ryan

Director of Enforce, Irish Center for Cilvil Liberties
Claus Ulmer
Deutsche Telekom AG
Alena Buyx
Chairwoman, German Ethics Council / Technical University of Munich
Karolina Mojzesowicz (v)
European Commission, DG for Justice and Consumers
Oshrit Aviv / Moderation
Entero, Israel


03:45pm – 04:15pm Panel V
Frederick Richter
Stiftung Datenschutz

Johnny Ryan

Director of Enforce, Irish Center for Cilvil Liberties

Oshrit Aviv / Moderation
Entero, Israel


04:15pm Keynote

The State of Play of Open Data in G20

David Zamora

Global Data Barometer, Costa Rica


04:30pm – 05:15pm Panel VI                                       

Open Data: Transparency by default?

Bernadine Fernz                                                                                                                                  Open Contracting Partnership, UK

Gaurav Godhwani                                                                                                                                Civic Data Lab, India

Winfried Veil                                                                                                                                          Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, Germany

David Zamora                                                                                                                                        Global Data Barometar, Costa Rica

Walter Palmetshofer / Moderation                                                                                                Open Knowledge Foundation


05:15pm – 05:30pm Break

05:30pm – 06:15pm Panel VII

Level Playing Field in Accessing Vehicle Data?


Andreas Wiebe

Georg-August-University of Göttingen

Juan Hahn

Hahn Network

Thorge Erichsen

Daimler AG

Begoña Gonzalez Otero / Moderation

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition 


06:15pm – 06:30pm Keynote

Unlocking post-Brexit opportunities - UK‘s Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

Owen Rowland

Deputy Director for Data Protection Policy, UK

Michael Dose / Moderation
Federation of German Industries                         


06:30pm Reception

Day III "Enabling Innovation. Boosting Competition"

09:30am Welcome Address

Nikolaus von Peter

Representation of the European Commission, Germany


09:35am Keynote

Clear Incentives for Disruptive Innovations in Europe?

Damian Boeselager

Member of the European Parliament, Volt, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance


09:45am – 10:30am Panel I

Clear view on our objectives for the digital economy – Outlook for the New European Commission

Damian Boeselager

Member of the European Parliament, Volt, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance

Max von Thun                                                 
Open Markets Institute, Washington

Raphaël Daniel

OVHcloud, France

Constance Chucholowski / Moderation

Candid Public Affairs


10:30am – 10:45am Keynote

EU Digital Legislation as a “Wimmelpicture”? What Children’s Books Can Teach Us About Laws

Heiko Richter

Max-Planck-Institute for Competition and Innovation


10:45am – 11:30am Panel II
Cadenabbia Memorandum on European Cloud Policy

Francisco Mingorance


Laura Balke

European Commission, DG Connect

Marco Schuldt

Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Francesco Bonfiglio
CEO Dynamo / The European Cloud Alternative

Pencho Kuzev / Moderation



11:45am – 12:00pm Keynote
Cloud busting - Assessing the impact of software licensing practices on competition

Chris Woolcott   


12:30pm – 01:15pm Panel II

GAIA-X as enabler for Data Sovereignty: Expectation vs. Reality

Ulrich Ahle


Ernst Stöckl-Pukall                                          

Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Jean Pascal Riss

Schneider Electric, Paris

Mark Kühner


Maxence Demerle / Moderation 

Medef, France          


01:15pm – 02:00pm Panel III
Protecting the Data InnoNation: the NIS 2 Directive and the resilience of our economy

Stefan Braun

Chief Information Security Officer, Henkel

Lena Düpont

Member of the European Parliament, CDU/CSU, EPP

Barbara Kluge
German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community

Dennis-Kenji Kipker

Bremen University of Applied Sciences /, Frankfurt a.M.   

Ferdinand Gehringer / Moderation

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


02:00pm – 02:45pm
Fireside with Silke Hossenfelder

Head of the General Department, Federal Cartel Office, Germany 


Oles Andriychuk
Newcastle University

Pencho Kuzev
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / Moderation


02:45pm Closing remarks of the 6. European Data Summit & Reception 

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Livestream DAY 3

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The global dimension of the GDPR and the AI Act

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What's crucial for the next European Commission?

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Restoring Balance to Digital Competetition and the DMA

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Will Ai boost more competition?

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Dr. Pencho Kuzev


Daten- und Wettbewerbspolitik +49 30 26996-3247 +49 30 26996-3551