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CDU delegation visits Tunisia

A decade after the Arab Spring Where does Europe's southern neighborhood stand today?

The Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Tunisia Office of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung welcomed a delegation of CDU politicians in Tunisia, amongst them members of the German Bundestag, members of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony as well as candidates for the upcoming regional elections in Lower Saxony.

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The Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Tunisia Office of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung welcomed a delegation of CDU politicians in Tunisia, amongst them members of the German Bundestag, members of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony as well as candidates for the upcoming regional elections in Lower Saxony. The delegation, which visited Tunis from March 28 to March 31, 2022, was led by Tilman Kuban MP, member of the committee for economic affairs as well as chairman of the Junge Union, the youth branch of the CDU with more than 100.000 members. The aim of the visit was to offer the delegation a close insight into the recent economic and political developments in North Africa, a decade after the so-called Arab Spring.

During the visit, the delegation held a meeting with H.E. The Minister of Vocational Training and Employment, Nasreddine Nssibi, to exchange opinions on the Tunisian labor market and possible paths for collaboration between Germany and Tunisia. In a meeting with the Minister of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia the socioeconomic environment was discussed, particularly after two years of Covid-19 and Russia´s invasion in Ukraine.

The delegation seized the opportunity of the visit to hear briefings from regional topic-matter experts on the creation of perspectives by vocational training in Germany, cooperation opportunities, and business opportunities for young entrepreneurs.
As a result, the delegation had been able to learn a lot about the current trends in North Africa and gain more in-depth knowledge and experiences of the region.

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