Internationales Forum 15. Ökumenische Soziale Woche
Wandernde Identität: Bedeutungen und Werte berücksichtigen
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
Innerhalb von fünf Tagen werden die Vertreter der Regierung,der Massenmedien, sozialer Organisationen, Zivilgesellschaft, Kirchen und der Bildungseinrichtungen über die Bedeutungen und Werte diskutieren, die in der Ukraine und auf der Welt aktuell gelebt werden. Im Programm: Diskussionen,Seminare, Panels mit Referenten aus 15 Ländern der Welt.
Die Maßnahmen wurden in drei Blöcke geteilt:
І. Fassetten der Identität: Religiöse, nationale, ethnische, kulturelle und politische Identität.
ІІ. Identität, Krieg und Migration.
ІІІ. Die Rolle und Wirkung sozialer Institute auf die Identitätsgestaltung.
Organisatorische und fachliche Unterstützung stellen folgende Partner bereit: Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland, Ökumenisches Institut des Katholischen Instituts von Paris, Universität Wien, Internationales Institut für Bildung, Kultur und Verbindungen zur Diaspora der NU „Polytechnik Lwiw“, Institut für Geschichte der Kirche (UKU), Think Tank UKU, Stadtrat Lwiw.
Es referieren u. a.:
- Myroslaw Marynowytsch, Vizerektor der Ukrainischen Katholischen Universität:,
- Jaroslaw Hryzak, Historiker
- Jörg Lüer, Vorsitzender der Kommission „Gerechtigkeit und Frieden“;
- Seyla Benhabib, Professor für Politikwissenschaften und Philosophie an der Yale University
- Gerard Delanty, Soziologe und Professor für Soziologie und Politik an der University of Sussex u. a.
Die Maßnahmen finden auf Ukrainisch mit der Simultanverdolmetschung ins Englische, Deutsche und Französische statt.
Alle Interessenten können sich zuschalten, die Anmeldung erfolgt unter dem Link
Organisatorische Fragen: Iryna Kitura, Projektkoordinatorin: irakit@ucu.edu.ua;
Medien: Marta Bilska, Leiterin des Pressezentrums des Projekts: marta.bilska1108@gmail.com.
October 3, Monday. Forum Opening - 15th Ecumenical Social Week International Panel: “Wandering Identity: Considering Meanings and Values”
Forum Opening - 15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
16.00-18.00 (GMT +3)
Forum Opening - 15th Ecumenical Social Week
International Panel: “Wandering Identity: Considering Meanings and Values”
Languages: Ukrainian, English (simultaneous interpreting)
Offline: Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Moderators: Dr. Pavlo Smytsnyuk, Director of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of UCU
Greetings: Bishop Borys Gudziak, UGCC Metroplitan of Philadelphia, President of UCU (tbc),
Rev. Dr. Bohdan Prakh, Rector of UCU,
Rev. Dr. Iwan Dacko, President of IES UCU,
Andriy Sadovyi, City Mayor of Lviv,
Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering,
Former President of the European Parliament, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (2010-2017)
Dr Myroslav Marynovych, Vice-Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University
Dr Jörg Lüer, Head of the German’s Justice and Peace Commission, Representative of the German Roman-Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Dr Gerard Delanty, Professor of Sociology and Social and Political Thought at Sussex University, UK
17:05-17:15 Break
17:15-18:00 Questions-answers, discussion.
October 4, Tuesday. European and Ukrainian Identity. Who Are We?
European and Ukrainian Identity. Who Are We?
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
Discussion 1: “European and Ukrainian Identity. Who Are We?”
Offline: Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian, French, English
Moderator: Dr. Yurii Pidlisnyi, Head of the Political Sciences Department, Head of UCU «Ethics-Politics-Economics» Bachelor’s Degree Program
Dr. Yaroslav Hrytsak, Ukrainian scholar, historian and publicist
Dr Olivier Abel, Protestant Theology Institute, France
Dr Volodymyr Yermolenko, Ukrainian philosopher, writer, journalist
Dr Gerard Delanty, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Sussex, UK
October 4, Tuesday. Political identities, Christianity and Democracy
Discussion Political identities, Christianity and Democracy
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
Discussion 2 "Political identities, Christianity and Democracy"
Event partner: Department of Protestant Theology, Institute of Education, Work and Society, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany
Venue: Online: ZOOM, Facebook, and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian, English
Moderator: Dr Volodymyr Turchynovskyi, Dean Of The Ucu Faculty of Social Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine.
Dr Aristotle Papanikolaou, Professor Of Theology, Co-Director, Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University, USA
Dr Paul Silas Peterson, Protestant Theology Department, Institute of Education, Work and Society, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Dr Marko Veković, Assistant Professor of Religion and Politics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
October 4, Tuesday. Cultural Identity in the Time of War
Discussion Cultural Identity in the Time of War
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
17.30-19.30 Discussion 3 «Cultural Identity in the Time of War»
Venue: Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting.
Languages: Ukrainian, English
Moderator: Dr Iryna Starovoyt, Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Department of Cultural Studies of the Humanities Faculty of UCU
Dr Patrick Boulte, Honorary President of The Solidarité France-Poland Association of the Responsible Investment Forum
Dr Myroslav Shkandrii, Art critic, Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba
Dr Maksym Rozumny,
Political acientist and Philosopher, Doctor of political sciences, guest research fellow at yhe University of Haifa
October 5, Wednesday. Identität, Weltanschauung und Familienwerte.
Diskussion "Identität, Weltanschauung und Familienwerte"
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
11.30-13.00 Panel with speeches “Identity, Ideology and Family Values”
Event Partner: Vienna University, Austria
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian, English, German
Moderator: Dr Halyna Teslyuk, Associate Professor at the Biblical Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv
Dr Thomas Nemeth, Professor of the Eastern Theology, Catholic Theology Faculty, Vienna University
Sr. Rebeka Anić, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Regional CENTER SPLIT
Dr Massimo Faggioli, Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University, columnist for La Croix International
Dr Kristina Stoeckl, Professor of Sociology at Innsbruck University
Dr Regina Elsner, Research Fellow in Social Ethics of Orthodox Christianity at the Center for Eastern-European and International Research (ZoiS) in Berlin
October 5, Wednesday. Churches, Nations, Political Identities
Discussion Churches, Nations, Political Identities
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
13.30-15.30 Discussion 5 Churches, Nations, Political Identities
Partner: Higher Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Catholic University in Paris
Offline: Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian, French (simultaneous interpreting)
Moderator: Dr. Anne-Sophie Vivier-Muresan, Director of the Catholic Institute, Paris
Georges El Hage , Ph D student, Catholic University of Paris/ISEO
Dr Xavier Gué, Professor of Theology at the High Institute of Science and Theology of Religions (ICP, Paris)
Dr. Anne Marie Reijnen, Catholic University of Paris/ISEO
Dr François Cassingena, Catholic University of Paris, Paris, France
Dr Frédéric Chavel, Protestant Institute of Theology/ISEO
Dr Julija Naett-Vidovic, Institute of Orthodox Theology Saint-Serge/ISEO
October 5, Wednesday. Eastern Catholic Tradition(s): Understanding Identity through Mission
Eastern Catholic Tradition(s): Understanding Identity through Mission
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
16.00-18.00 UCAS Seminar 6
“Eastern Catholic Tradition(s): Understanding Identity through Mission”
Venue: Offline: Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian, English (simultaneous interpreting)
Moderator: Dr. Anne-Sophie Vivier-Muresan, Director of the Catholic Institute
Dr. Iwan Dacko, President of IES, UCU
Dr. Ihor Shaban, Head of the UGCC Commission for Promoting the Christian Unity
Dr. Gabriel Gashem, Professor of Systematic Theology, editor-in-chief of the ecumenical French magazine Proche Orient Chrétien, Beirut, Lebanon
Dr. Oleksandr Lashchuk, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada
October 6, Thursday. To be a Church Today: Challenges and Lessons of the War in Ukraine
13.30-15.00 Panel Discussion 7
«To be a Church Today: Challenges and Lessons of the War in Ukraine»
Partner: Institute of Church History of UCU
Offline: Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian
Moderator: Dr. Oleh Turiy, Director of the Church History Institute of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Vice-Rector for Internal Affairs at UCU
Rev. Dr. Petro Balog, OP, Director of St. Thomas Aquinas Institute of Religious Studies, Kyiv
Dr. Roman Soloviy, Rector of the Eastern-European Institute of Theology, Lviv
Rev. Dr. Mykhaylo Stanchyshyn, SJ, Vice-Director of the “Eleazar” School for Spiritual Guidance, Lviv-Kharkiv
Hieromonk Iov Olshanskyi, Abbot of the Resurrection New Athos Monastery of Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Lviv
Dr. Anatolii Babynskyi, Research Fellow at the Institute of Church History of UCU
October 6, Thursday. National and Religious Identity [under the circumstances of the war]
Discussion National and Religious Identity [under the Circumstances of War]
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
15.30-17.30 Discussion: National and Religious Identity [under the Circumstances of War]
Offline: UCU Philosophy and Theology Faculty, Conference Hall, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II Avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube livestreams
Languages: Ukrainian, English (simultaneous interpreting)
Moderator: Dr. Tetyana Kalenychenko, Sociologist of Religion and Dialogue in Action Initiative Coordinator, European Center for Strategy Analytics, Kyiv / Bucha
Prof. José Casanova, Senior Fellow at Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University, USA
Taras Dyatlyk, Vice-Rector for Development and International Cooperation at the Eastern European Institute of Theology, Regional Director of Eastern Europe and Central Asia at Overseas Council-United World Mission, Rivne
Olena Kopina, Sociologist and Dialogue Facilitator, Initiative Coordinator of Laboratory of Peaceful Solutions, Kharkiv
Iryna Eihelson, Social Psychologist, Ethnopsychologist and Conflictology Expert, Candidate of Psychological Studies, Coach, Researcher and Dialogue Facilitator, Kyiv
October 6, Thursday. Religion in the Diaspora: Between Identity Preservation and Assimilation
Discussion Religion in the Diaspora: Between Identity Preservation and Assimilation
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
16.00-17.30 Discussion 9 “Religion in the Diaspora: Between Identity Preservation and Assimilation”
Offline: Philosophy and Theology Faculty of UCU, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube broadcasting
Languages: Ukrainian, English (simultaneous interpreting)
Moderator: Taras Kurylets, project manager of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of UCU
Bishop Borys Gudziak, Archbishop-Metropolitan of Philadelphia Archeparchy, President of UCU
Dr. Nicolas Kazarian, Director of the Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical, Interfaith Relations Department of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New-York (USA)
Dr. Oksana Mikheeva, Professor at the Sociology Department of UCU
Dr. Anatoliy Babynskyi, Research Fellow at the Institute of Church History of UCU
Dr Andrew Sorokowski, American lawyer, historian
Dr Gabriel Gashem, Professor of Systematic Theology, editor-in-chief of the ecumenical French magazine Proche Orient Chrétien, Beirut, Lebanon
October 7, Friday. Discussion: Identity Challenges in the Time of War. IDP, refugees, migrants
Discussion Identity Challenges in the Time of War. IDP, refugees, migrants
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
11.30-13.00 Discussion: Identity Challenges in the Time of War. IDP, refugees, migrants
Partner: International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Offline:Lviv Polytechnic National University, main campus, 12, Stepana Bandery Str.
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube livestreams
Languages: Ukrainian
Moderator: Dr. Oksana Pyatkovska, Ph. D. in Economics, Deputy Directorof theInternational Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Dr Iryna Klyuchkovska, Ph. D. in Economics, Director of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bishop Stepan Sus, bishop of the UGCC Kyiv-Galician Patriarchal Curia, Titular Bishop of Zigris, Head of the Pastoral and Migration Department of the UGCC Patriarchal Curia
Dr Oleksiy Poznyak, Ph. D. in Economics, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Department for Migration Studies at the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dr Myroslava Keryk, Ph. D. in History, Head of the Our Choice Foundation, Employee at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences
Dr Svitlana Odynets, Ph. D. in Migration Studies, Anthropologist, Journalist
Dr Yaroslava Khortiani, Member of the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian World Congress (WUC), Head of the Committee on the Membership in the WUC, Head of the Society of Ukrainian Culture in Hungary
Nicolae-Miroslav Petretchi, Politician, Member of the Parliament of Romania, President of the Union of Ukrainians in Romania
October 7, Friday. Discussion: The Role of Andrey Sheptytsky and Yosyf Slipyy in Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Formation of National Identity
14.00-15.30 Discussion: The Role of Andrey Sheptytsky and Yosyf Slipyy in Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Formation of National Identity
Offline:UCU Philosophy and Theology Faculty, Conference Hall, 35а, St. Ivan Pavlo II Avenue
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube livestreams
Language: Ukrainian
Moderator: Dr. Yuriy Skira, Director of NGO Study Center of the History of the Eastern Catholic Churches, Lviv, Ukraine
Rev. Dr. Iwan Dacko, President of the UCU Institute of Ecumenical Studies
Dr Ihor Medvid, Deputy Director of the Lviv Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum
Dr Zinoviy Svereda, Independent political and economic expert, Lviv
Dr Liliana Hentosh, Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Historical Research at Lviv Ivan Franko National University
Dr Roksolana Verbova, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Humanities and Social Studies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
October 7, Friday. Webinar: Various Edges of Identity
15th Ecumenical Social Week
YouTube, Institute of Ecumenical Studies UCU
16.00-17.30 Webinar: Various Edges of Identity
Online: ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube livestreams
Languages: Ukrainian, French, English (simultaneous interpreting)
Moderator: Dr. Taras Dziubanskiy, Director of the UCU Institute of Religion and Society
Dr Hadje Sadje, Associate Member of the SOAS Center for Palestine Studies, University of London, UK
Dr Hassan Musa, ECWA Theological Seminary Kagoro, Nigeria
Dr Lap van Kung, Dean of the Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies, Honorary General Secretary of the Hong Kong Christian Institute, Christian human rights NGO
Dr Choisel Francis, Director of the Master’s Degree Program in History, Catholic Institute of Paris