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כנס מומחים

Aufstachelung zu Terror und Gewalt

Neue Herausforderungen, Neue Antworten

Gemeinsame Konferenz mit dem Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, einem langjährigen Partner der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Israel.

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Amb. Dore Gold - President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

09.10-09.30 Opening Lecture

Beyond Radical Libertarianism: Internet Freedom and the Rule of Law

Michael Mertes - State Secretary (ret.), Director of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

09.30-09.45 First Session

Global Incitement via the Web and Other Communication Technologies

Chair: Yoni Ben-Menachem - General Director of Israel Broadcasting Authority

From Big Lies to the Lone Wolf: How Social Networking Incubates and Multiplies Online Hate and Terrorism

Rabbi _Abraham Cooper - Associate Dean, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles

The Hybrid Terrorist Organization and Incitement

Dr. Boaz Ganor - Executive Director, International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT); Deputy Dean, Lauder School of Government and Diplomacy at the Interdisciplinary Center

10.45-11.15 Coffee Break

11.15-13.00 Second Session

Incitement in Western Countries

Chair: Prof.Yakir Plessner - Professor Emeritus, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Incitement by Muslim and Radical Left Organizations in the UK

Prof. Robert Wistrich- Head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

What is Anti-Israelism?

Prof. Elhanan Yakira - Professor of Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Anti-Jewish and Anti-Israel Sentiments in Western Schools

Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld - Chairman of the Board of Fellows, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Da’wa and Jihad

Prof. Emmanuel Sivan - Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

13.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-15.30 Third Session

Incitement in the Middle East Context

Chair: Dr. Kobi Michael - Deputy Director General, Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs

Culture of Peace and Incitement Index

Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser - Director General, Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs

Research of Anti-Jewish Sentiments and Stereotypes in Arab Textbooks

Dr. Yohanan Manor - “Impact-Se” - Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education

Deception: Contrasting the PA’s Public Commitments with Their Actual Activities, Positions and Goals

Itamar Marcus - Founder and Director, Palestinian Media Watch

Women Suicide Bombers’ Motivation for Terrorism

Lt. Col. (ret.) Dr. Anat Berko - International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya

The Political Instruments Used for incitement on the Palestinian Side

Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi - Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Fellow

15.30-17.15 Concluding Session

Chair: Judge (ret.) Hadassa Ben-Ito - Honorary President of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

Incitement in Rwanda - Leading to Genocide

Prof. Gregory Gordon - University of North Dakota. Former Legal Officer, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Incitement and International Conflicts

Prof. Elihu Richter - Center for Genocide Prevention, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Incitement to Terrorist Acts Under International Law

Dr. Yael Ronen - Sha’arei Mishpat College

Presenting a Draft International Convention to Combat Incitement to Terror and Violence

Amb. Alan Baker - former Legal Adviser to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to Canada; presently Director, Institute for Contemporary Affairs, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Simultanübersetzung – Hebräisch/Englisch

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הוסף ליומן


David Citadel Hotel, Jerusalem


„Was offline verboten ist, darf auch online nicht erlaubt sein“: Konferenz des Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs über Anstiftung zu Terror und Gewalt am 8. November 2011
קרא עכשיו

Hildegard Mohr

מנהלת פרוייקטים בתחום הבין-דתי ואחראית תכניות מבקרים

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