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Reflections on the History and Structure of the European Union and the Current State of Israeli-EU Relations

Das Young Diplomats Forum ist ein Programmformat, das junge Diplomaten aus dem israelischen Außenministerium und den Botschaften europäischer Länder zusammenbringt. Das YDF ist an den Israel Council on Foreign Relations angebunden.

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14.00 Welcome Address

Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Director ICFR

Michael Mertes, Representative Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Israel Office,

Alona Fischer-Kamm, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Introduction to ICFR IL-EU Young Diplomats Forum

Samson Altman-Schevitz, Program Coordinator - ICFR IL-EU Young Diplomats Forum

14.30 History and Structure of the European Union

Nadine Mensel, Deputy Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel

15.00 Israeli-European Relations

Dr. Sharon Pardo, Head of the Center for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben-Gurion University

15.30 Q & A

16.15 Panel Discussion: How Will Israel and Europe’s Next Generation Develop Their Relationship

Panelists: Ambassador Andrew Standley, Head of EU Delegation to Israel

Ambassador Tzipora Rimon, Director of the Department for Multilateral European Institutions

Dr. Sharon Pardo

Felix Dane, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Ramallah Office, Former MEP Office Director

Moderator: Samson Altman-Schevitz

18.00 Reception

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הוסף ליומן


Jerusalem, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Appetit auf Europa?: Perspektiven einer engeren Zusammenarbeit zwischen Israel und der EU
קרא עכשיו

Dr. Nadine Carlson (geb. Mensel)

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