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דוח אירועים

With passion and hard work young Bedouins prepare their way to University

מאת Catherine Hirschwitz, Dr. Lars Hänsel
The program for Promoting Accessibility to Higher Education for the Negev Pupils is entering its 10th year! The current academic year opened with much hope and energy to continue the great challenge of further strengthening the program and attaining its objectives: The establishment of an excellent and prestigious program that helps advance the southern youths, both Jews and Bedouin Arabs, on their way to attaining equal opportunities in higher qualitative education.

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Prof. Hacohen welcomes the Program Participants

Furthermore, the cross-sectarian coming together of Jewish religious and non-religious pupils with their peers from the Bedouin sector creates a framework for dialogue between Arab and Jewish youths.

An opening ceremony was held in the morning of October 22, 2010 on the Campus of the Ben-Gurion University. The Rector, Prof. Zvi Hacohen, senior members of the administration and Dr. Lars Hänsel, director of the KAS office in Israel welcomed the pupils and extended their best wishes for success to the program participants from 29 schools located throughout the Negev.
Mohammed delivering his speech

Facing the 1,100 pupils, two former program participants shared their visions and personal experiences. Benny started his medicine studies after completing the 3 years’ program, which taught him the search for excellence among other excellent pupils. With passion he spoke to the new program participants, urging them to use their full potential and motivation to fulfill their own high expectations.

From the very first day, Mohammed never lost track of his dream: to invent a cure against certain diseases that particularly afflict the Bedouin population. True to his goal, after completing with honors the three years accessibility program, he started to study pharmacy at the Ben-Gurion University. He acknowledged how these first three years determined his future career: The program convinced him that university studies are open to all young Israelis with motivation and determination. Perhaps even more important, he also met Jewish pupils who shared his class every Friday and became his friends, opening the door to a world in which young people share the same values and the same hopes.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been supporting and following the Program’s progress since its inception. There is no doubt that not only the pupils themselves but the Negev and the entire Israeli society benefit from this very special endeavor.

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