

ADLA Video Series 2020: Why Democracy Matters?

Rey Padit

Interview with Ms. Sajina Karki of Nepal

“The beauty of democracy is that the opposition in the parliament is able to check the government.” Read below the interesting insights from Ms. Sajina Karki as she answers the question on “Why Democracy Matters?”. Ms. Karki is a fellow of KASYP Batch 06 and she is the alumni representative of Nepal. She is currently a member of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party of Nepal. #ADLA4Democracy



Why Democracy Matters?


KAS PDA: Why do you think democratic values and principles are important for your country?

Ms. Sajina Karki: Nepal is now named as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal after the creation of the new constitution of Nepal in 2015. Instead of reinforcing the norms and values of democracy, the leaders of Nepal are weakening the democratic practices. The ruling government is even attacking the freedom of speech, interfering into the actions of the judiciary and even on the constitutional bodies as well. The governance system is neither people-centric nor predictable. Thus, under this condition, for the safeguard of the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the constitutional bodies the state is obliged to internalize democratic values and norms in its conduct, behavior, practice and virtue.

KAS PDA: In your context, what do you think are the main challenges to democracy?

Ms. Sajina Karki: The main challenges of democracy in our context are: first, democracy is strangled by the ruling government of our nation. The beauty of democracy is that the opposition in the parliament is able to check the government. Second, the political culture in our country is quite poor. Third, parties also do not have their internal democracy, the laws are amended and created in the best interest of the leadership. Fourth, the voices of the minorities and the marginalized groups have gone unheard. Fifth, the proportional inclusion has been guaranteed by the constitution which has not been implemented yet; the proportional representation system has been an opportunity for nepotism.

KAS PDA: As a young leader, what can you do to ensure that you become and remain a democratic leader?

Ms. Sajina Karki: First, practicing the freedom of speech to ensure that good governance, rule of law and voices of the minorities are heard in my country. Second, believing in the electoral system inside the political party as well as the whole nation and accepting the peoples’ choice. Last but not the least, I would always believe in the system of representation, equality of the citizens, and active participation of the people.


Disclaimer: ​​​​​​​This interview excerpt is taken from the ADLA Video Series 2020 project which aims to seek for answers on the question "Why Democracy Matters?" from the KASYP alumni country representatives. The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed are those of the interviewee do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Any insights expressed in this content do not intend to hurt any individual, community, or organization.



Rey Padit

Rey Padit

Programmmanager, Politische Kooperation

rey.padit@kas.de +65 6603 6161


