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Cooperation on Climate Vulnerabilities

Adding Regional Dimensions to the National Climate Change Adapation Planning in the Eastern Partnership Countries

Within an EU4Dialogue-supported Task Force, a joint paper was written by 14 experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, calling for Cooperation on Climate Vulnerabilities by Adding Regional Dimensions to the National Climate Change Adaptation Planning.

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Climate change is increasingly affecting the economy of all nations and the lifestyles of the populations in many countries. The European Union’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In this mentioned region, the sharp changes in temperature and precipitation intensifies catastrophic events like flash floods and landslides. Extended warmer temperatures increase risks of droughts and water scarcity, especially in seasons most needed. Melting glaciers and more frequent and severe forest fires introduce longer-term shifts in the region’s ecosystems.

Immediate action is needed to protect current and future populations living in these countries. EaP countries are taking initial steps to protect themselves from climate vulnerabilities. Development of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) is among these. These Plans, however, are developed from a national perspective, fragmenting the region by political boundaries while disregarding the natural characteristics and environmental interconnectedness of the region. Such a fragmented approach is inadequate in reducing climate vulnerabilities.

 Joint, collaborative efforts to adapt to climate change by taking into account the natural patterns in the whole region and recognition of the shared challenges could yield greater results. The authors of this document suggest the concept of regional adaptation planning based on the following premises:

  • Climate change is not restricted to political boundaries, but rather goes beyond to a territorial, regional, and global scales.
  • Traditionally, climate change adaptation activities have been compartmentalized and fragmented because of the gradual nature and elusive manifestation of most climate change impacts.
  •  National Adaptation Plans are limited by their political borders and therefore are constrained in adequate consideration of transboundary influences.
  • Adaptation activities at the regional level (across national borders), utilization of Regional Adaptation Plans (RAPs) can be an important tool in reducing climate vulnerabilities.

The main purpose of this paper is to identify the key factors contributing to climate vulnerability in the EaP countries at a regional scale and to demonstrate the contribution of transboundary cooperation in decreasing these vulnerabilities. As such, the authors of this study suggest that NAPs developed and implemented only at a national level, are too fragmented and are unable to tackle vulnerabilities rooted at a regional scale. Countries currently working on NAP projects can take significant steps in reducing climate vulnerabilities by strengthening regional cooperation and by jointly working on RAPs. This paper explores the possible directions of cooperation, offers the main focus areas and an outline of future RAPs.

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შტეფან მალერიუსი

Stephan Malerius

რეგიონული პროგრამის „სამხრეთ კავკასიის პოლიტიკური დიალოგი“ ხელმძღვანელი +995322459112


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