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Kusog Mindanaw Conference 2019

Mindanao 2019: Federalism, Bangsamoro, Security, and Martial Law

With aspirations to achieve sustainable peace and development in Mindanao, the Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG) with support from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Philippines (KAS) and International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), organized this year’s Kusog Mindanaw in Davao City from July 11 to 12, 2019. The theme for this year’s conference focused on “Federalism, Bangsamoro, Security, and Martial Law”.

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The annual Mindanao-wide forum gathered political leaders, think-tank groups, security and religious sectors, the academe, and civil society organizations to ponder and exchange views on the focal topics of the conference bannering the theme “Mindanao 2019: Federalism, Bangsamoro, Security, and Martial Law.” Around 100 multisectoral Mindanao leaders and thinkers took part to strengthen the voice of Mindanao in national policies and programs and committed to continue exploring common paths for collaboration on the critical issues confronting Mindanao.

IAG is the secretariat of Kusog Mindanaw.

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Prof. Dr. Stefan Jost

Prof. Dr

Leiter der Auslandsbüros Guatemala und Honduras +63 2 8539 38-41, -42, -43, -44 ,-45 +63 2 8893 6199

Ronna Mae Villanueva

Ronna Mae Villanueva bild

Programm-Managerin +63 2 8539 38-41, -42, -43, -44 ,-45


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Über diese Reihe

Конрад Аденауэр Стифтанг, оның білім институттары, орталықтары мен шетелдік кеңселері әрбір жылда әртүрлі тақырыптарда бірнеше мыңдаған оқиғаларды ұсынады. Біз веб-торабында таңдалған конференциялар, оқиғалар және симпозиум бойынша қазіргі таңдағы және ерекше есептерді береміз. Мазмұнның жиынтығына қосымша, суреттер, сөйлесулер, бейнелер және аудио клиптары сияқты қосымша материалдарды да табуға болады.

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