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One Year after the "Arab Spring"

European-Arab Youth Congress at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

What do young Europeans think about the Arab countries one year after the "Arab Spring" began? And what perceptions do young people from Arab countries have of Europe and Germany as potential role models? Young people from all over Europe and Arab countries met for two days at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin to discuss what can be learned from other people's point of views on the situation.

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150 young people from European and Arab countries took part in a two-day congress that opened with a panel discussion held by Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Prof. Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, former President of the Republic Latvia, Anwar Esmat El Sadat, Co-Founder of the Reform and Development Party in Egypt, founder and chairman of the El Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare member of the Board of Directors of the General Federation of NGOs/Foundations in Egypt, and Mohammed Tawfik Mouline, General Director of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) in the Kingdom of Morocco.

After a lively discussion with a lot of questions, the participants split up into five work shop groups to deepen certain aspects concerning results and influences of the "Arab spring". These work shops dealt with "Images and Conceptions: What do young Arabs think about Germany / Europe? What do young Europeans think about the Arab countries in the wake of the revolution?" (work shop I), "The Relationship between Muslims and Christians" (work shop II), "The European Union and the Mediterranean – Which Role Ought Germany to Play?" (work shop III), "The Social Media and their Role in Politics and Society" (work shop IV), and "The Position and Role of Men and Women in society" (work shop V).

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Auslandsbüro Israel

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Конрад Аденауэр Стифтанг, оның білім институттары, орталықтары мен шетелдік кеңселері әрбір жылда әртүрлі тақырыптарда бірнеше мыңдаған оқиғаларды ұсынады. Біз веб-торабында таңдалған конференциялар, оқиғалар және симпозиум бойынша қазіргі таңдағы және ерекше есептерді береміз. Мазмұнның жиынтығына қосымша, суреттер, сөйлесулер, бейнелер және аудио клиптары сияқты қосымша материалдарды да табуға болады.