자산 발행인


Referendum 2024 and the Way to Constitutional Amendment

Seminar proceeding on key insights, debates, and challenges surrounding different proposals to amend the Referendum Act and their possible impacts

The public seminar on 14 June 2024, "Referendum 2024 and the Way to Constitutional Amendment," culminates in this proceeding. This bilingual publication summarizes expert insights from the keynote speaker and panelists on the debates surrounding the proposals to amend the Referendum Act, and how this amendment could influence the constitutional amendment efforts. The paper also provides an executive summary and a synthesis of policy recommendations that emerged during the event. The seminar was co-organized by the Institute of Democratization Studies and King Prajadhipok's Institute, and received support from KAS Thailand.

자산 발행인

ภาพกิจกรรมงานสัมนาเรื่อง "ทางออกประชามติ ปูทางสู่รัฐธรรมนูญประชาธิปไตย" ในวันที่ 14 มิถุนนายน 2567 และเอกสารสรุปการประชุมประข้อเสนอเชิงนโยบาย

자산 발행인


Pii Arporniem

Pii Arporniem

Project Manager

Pii.Arporniem@kas.de +66 (0) 2 7141207-8


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Thailand Office

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