자산 발행인

행사 보고서

Direct Talks with MPs Year 2 EP 1-6

Brought to you by the Democratic Youth Network, the Secretariat of the National Assembly

“Direct Talks” Year 2 by the Democratic Youth Network is the programme that takes you to meet with new Members of the Parliament of Thailand and talk about many agenda, legal provisions, and policies significant for the development of the country. Not even the youth but people in all age groups should monitor and follow up closely how far this legislative body push each issue forwards and actualise all those policies they promised in the last election campaign. The talks are conducted in Thai.

자산 발행인

Direct Talk EP01 Politics and Local Administration

Episode 1: Politics and Local Administration

Direct Talk EP02 First-term MP and the Work in the Legislative Function
Episode 2: First-term MP and the Work in the Legislative Function
Direct Talk EP03 Actors and Politics – Influence and Power in Policy Formulation
Episode 3: Actors and Politics – Influence and Power in Policy Formulation
Direct Talk EP04 Green Space and Environmental Policy of Bangkok
Episode 4: Green Space and Environmental Policy of Bangkok
Direct Talk EP05 Political Path of the 1st Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Policy on Student Uniforms
Episode 5: Political Path of the 1st Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Policy on Student Uniforms
Direct Talk EP06 TBT with Politicians – Problems and Improvement of University Admission System
Episode 6: TBT with Politicians – Problems and Improvement of University Admission System

자산 발행인


Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Senior Project Manager

Napajaree.Jiwanantaprawat@kas.de +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 13 07


자산 발행인

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