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KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Winners for 2022 Visit Local Newsrooms in Germany

Prizewinners show that local journalism is alive in Africa

That local journalism has a future, was the slogan, that the three winners of the KAS Media Africa Award for Local journalism 2022 heard while on their prize-winning trip to Germany.

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After being handed their winners' certificates at the KAS Headquarters in Berlin by Vice-chairman, Honorable Hermann Gröhe, they visited newsrooms in Berlin (Neue Berliner Redaktionsgesellschaft), Hannover (Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland), Nienburg an der Weser (Die Harke), ZDF (Landesstudio Hannover), Essen (NRZ, Funke-Mediengruppe, WDR-Landesstudio Essen), and Cologne (Kölner Stadtanzeiger).

Winner Jeff Wicks from South Africa's News 24, said that he is totally impressed by the resources that German publishers still pour into local journalism. Raquel Muigai from Kenya and Esther Oluka from Uganda impressed, just as Wicks did, their German colleagues with the thrilling tales of their award winning-stories. KAS Media Africa Africa director Christoph Plate accompanied the group, and expressed his appreciation for the interest and preparedness in German newsrooms to exchange with their African colleagues.

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Christoph Plate

Christoph Plate bild

Leiter des Medienprogramms Südosteuropa

christoph.plate@kas.de +359 2 942-4971 +359 2 94249-79


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