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"Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism"

Summer School

In the period between 17 to 21 August, 2015, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the University ”Euro-Balkan”, Skopje and the five religious communities organize the second summer school “Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism”.

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На почеток


The location of the summer school is Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

The Summer School is aimed for young people aged between 18-28 years – students on graduate or postgraduate studies at the faculties

of social sciences or theology from the country.

Costs associated with participation in summer school (travel, food and accommodation) are covered by the organizers

We invite all young people who are interested in the subject to apply, by filling in the application form (available on

The completed applications send it

The deadline for applications is 15 July 2015.

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Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia


Robert Janev

Ansprechpartner Mazedonien

Програмски менаџер +389 2 3217 075
Group work KAS Skopje
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