10:00- 10:30Registration of the participants
10:30-10:50Welcome addresses:
Lidija Velichkovska, Center for Research and Policy Making
AnjaCzymmeck, Official Representative of the KAS
10.50–11.35 Moderator: Ilija Sazdovski
Gasification, challenges of the local self-government
Darko Hecer, Zagreb, Croatia
The capacities of the building sector in the Energy Efficiency
and the Renewable Resources area on local level
Igor Panchevski, Skopje, Macedonia
Energy Poverty: political responses on a local level
Konstantin Dimitrov, Skopje, Macedonia
11.35-11.50 Coffee break
11.50-12.20 Moderator: Avni Sfisha, National Coordinator for Kosovo - ORF EE GIZ
Role of Local Institutions in Monitoring Energy Efficiency Policies
Naser Sahiti, Independent expert, Kosovo
Energy Efficiency for Sustainable municipal development
Nexhat Jashari, Independent expert, Kosovo
12.20-14.30 Discussion
14.30-14.45 Conclusions
Ilija Sazdovski, National Coordinator for Macedonia - ORF ЕЕ GIZ
14.45-15.30 Lunch