Hotel “Aleksandar Palace”
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
26.04.2006 (Wednesday)
10.00-10.30Registration of participants
10.30-10.45Welcome speech
Ulrich Kleppmann, Official representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Republic of Macedonia
10.45-12.00Opening and Introduction
- The importance of including women in the election process
- The communication process, Ways of communication
- Communication directions
- Emotional Intelligence, IQ Vs. EQ.
12.00-12.15 Coffee break
- Management Communication Style Survey
- Communication barriers
- Feedback, Rules for improving feedback skills
- Management Game - Feedback
- Trust, Action that build trust with voters
- Carnegie-advices
- Rules for good human relationship
- Active Listening, Poor listening
- Barriers to effective listening, Management Game- Active listening
- How to become a more effective listener
- Results of good listening
- Locus of Control
- Non-verbal communication
- Body language (kinetics)
- Physical characteristics and appearance
- Voice (paralanguage), Management Game – Presentation skills
- The essential requirements for powerful and persuasive presentation
- How to structure presentation content
- Aims of presentation
- Avoid confusing the audience- the importance of a key message
- Delivering the presentation
- Standing in front of an audience: the non-verbal signals including posture, eye contact, facial expressions, practice and demonstrate effective use of voice and body language
- Developing your own style
- Timing and pacing
- How to control nerves: some techniques
- Overcoming self-doubt: a positive attitude
- Delivering an own presentation from the participants with feedback session
- During the presentation the participants will be recorded with video camera
14.45-16.00Evaluation session
Each participant will receive personal feedback about his or her presentation.
The recorded presentations from the participants together with feedback from the trainers will be analyzed.
- Personal action plan- Recognizing weaknesses
- What makes a good presenter