In this publication, we present an overview with a) a retrospective timeline on milestones in global female political leadership; b) statistics highlighting developments in women's socio-economic and political status in the region; and c) a pictorial map of electoral quotas adopted around the world. Along with the compiled research, we have invited prominent authors from around the world to contribute regional insights into the policy, legislative and socio-cultural situation of female political leadership, highlighting prospects as well as challenges towards the future of women's leadership.
We hope the compiled material by our authors will prove useful for you.
Бэлтгэж өгсөн
Regionalprogramm Politikdialog Asien
Энэ цувралыг тухай
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хугацааны хэтийн төлөвийн талаар шууд мэдээлэл өгнө.
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