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Africa Journalism and Media Summit 2023

Reimagining African Journalism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

From 12 to 13 October 2023, the Zimbabwe Centre for Media and Information Literacy (ZCMIL) hosted the 5th annual Africa Journalism and Media Summit (AJMS) in Harare, Zimbabwe. The AJMS was hosted in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s country office also based in Harare. KAS Media Africa supported the AJMS by bringing participants from outside Zimbabwe to offer an alternative and comparative context on the Summit’s chosen topic – how journalists can embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in their daily work.

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The Summit brought together journalists, artists and fact-checkers from across the country and beyond. The intended outcomes for the AJMS were to explore emerging trends and innovations in journalism on the continent, with a focus on AI, data journalism, business models, and platform power. The participants shared best practices and challenges to achieving press freedom, journalism training in schools, and critical issues such as disinformation and misinformation. They identified opportunities for collaboration between media journalists, media organisations, and policymakers to support the growth and development of journalism in Africa.

Key discussions were had about the state of investigative journalism on the continent. Joel Konopo, the Director of INK Centre for Investigative Journalism in Gaborone, Botswana, shared some critical open-source AI tools that African investigative journalists can engage to simplify and speed up their work. Journalistic ethics when producing stories using AI was discussed at length as the ever-evolving nature of AI requires an extra care of duty and transparency with audiences.

The AJMS provided a much-needed platform for networking, information-sharing and skills development via the masterclasses held in breakaway sessions over the course of the Summit. Ideas for collaboration, even across borders were shared. Suggestions for ways to enhance press freedom in Zimbabwe and beyond via research and policy restructuring were proffered.

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Hendrik Sittig

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Leiter des Medienprogramms Subsahara-Afrika +27112142900


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Энэ цувралын талаар

Конрад Аденауерын нэрэмжит буяны байгууллага, мөн түүний сургалтын төвүүд ба гадаад офисууд нь төрөл бүрийн сэдвээр жил бүр хэдэн мянган Арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулан явуулдаг. Сонгон авсан бага хурлууд, үйл явдлууд ба симпозиумуудын тухай бид цаг алдалгүй хуудсанд мэдээлнэ.

Агуулгын товч тоймын хажуугаар та бүхэн энд бас зураг, илтгэлүүдийн гар бичмэл, видео ба аудио бичлэг гэх мэт нэмэлт материалуудыг олох болно.