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Нарийвчилсан мэдээлэл

“Land Art and Politics” symposium took place on the 18th of August, 2010 in Ulaanbaatar. The symposium was organized by the German Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and artists, Representatives from Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolian Political Parties, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany, Civil Society, and Non-Governmental Organizations have participated.

KAF Representative in Mongolia, Mr. Johannes D. Rey, in his opening speech, stated: “In a democracy art has the highest possible freedom to flourish and to develop itself! The best art is born from democracy; the strongest art comes from freedom! But not only art benefits from democracy, vice versa democracy benefits from art as well! Artist and their work are key to a strong, free society. Art can teach us or demonstrate things about democracy and can also participate in democracy because artists are in very important ways contributors to discourse, and contributors to our society. We all wish us a critical, but constructive and fruitful discussion for the good of all and the Mongolian society.”

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism, Mr Jargalsaikhan thanked the KAF for organizing the symposium, wished the participants the best of luck and made a presentation regarding the environmental policy in Mongolian politics.

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Mongolia, His Excellency Pius Fischer stated: “At a first glance artists and politicians have little in common. Both however want to convey messages or ideas to the public. Our environment – no doubt – is in danger people to the importance of environmental protection. I do hope that some of our expertise in the field and some of the lessons learned in Germany will have an impact on the situation in Mongolia.”

Professor from the University of Berkeley, Ts. Uranchimeg, presented on an interesting topic “Art and Politics in Mongolia” and carried out a discussion session. Following the discussion, Environmentalist and Policy Committee Member from the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, J. Byambajav, Parliament Member and the Head of People’s Will Party, S. Oyun, Member of board from the Democratic Party and Head of Environmental Policy permanent Council, J. Batbold, and Member of the Board and Secretary of International Relations and Cooperation of Mongolian Green Party, Ch. Enkhzaya presented on economic development and proper management of the natural resources and represented the positions of the political parties.

In the afternoon, Coordinator from the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), T. Erdenechimeg, made a presentation on Management of Natural Resources – A Model of Mongolian and German Cooperation. In relation to the presentation, the Deputy Director of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation at the Centre of Mongolian Mining Professional Engineers, T. Jigjidsuren, Heads of Civil Societies “Khovsgol dalain ezed” and “Ariun suvarga”, B. Bayarmaa and G. Chagnaadorj, briefly introduced the current level of civic participation and environmental initiatives in Mongolia. “Land Art and Politics” symposium was successfully completed.

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Хуанли дээр тэмдэглэх

Зохион байгуулах газар

Mongolia, Ulanbator

Холбоо барих

Johannes D. Rey

Johannes D. Rey (2020) kas

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Kasachstan +7 7172 92 50 31
Herr Pius Fischer, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Mongolia Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung in der Mongolei
Johannes D. Rey, Representative of the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung in der Mongolei
Ch. Jargalsaikhan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry for the Environment and Tourist Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung in der Mongolei

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