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Die Verbesserung des Verwaltungsmanagements in den Kommunen

Seminar in Omnogobi province

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Нарийвчилсан мэдээлэл

In cooperation with the Mongolian Cabinet Secretariat, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation of the Republic of Germany organized one of its regular trainings in the province of Omnogobi. Approximately 90 people participated the training in total, namely: secretaries of civil representative sessions of the provinces Omnogobi and Dundgobi, directors and heads from the governor’s office.

KAF and Mongolian Cabinet divided the 21 provinces into 10 zones. In this particular training, experts from the Mongolian Cabinet Secretariat, National development and reform

committee under the Cabinet, Civil registration general administration, Ministry of defense, Notary union, Ministry of Law and internal affairs, and Archives General Administration gave presentations and carried out workshops.

The participants were very appreciative towards the KAF for the financial assistance to promote the government policies and activities in the countryside. The contents of the presentations were as follows:

Cabinet senior referent A.Urchee: Provincial self-management and administrative organizations’ objectives, responsibilities, and engraining of activities; measures being implemented by the government regarding provincial management

National development and reform committee expert S.Sanjjav: Local development policy, planning methodology

Cabinet senior referent Sh.Buuveibaatar: The legal environment of the government monitoring, analysis and evalution; the methodology to exercise monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the local government activities; issues need to be addressed

Civil registration general administration senior expert B.Monkhbat: Current situation of the local civil and other registrations, future prospective

Ministry of defense senior expert S.Ragchaadorj: Provincial defense policy; provincial management organization management objectives and responsibility.

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Хуанли дээр тэмдэглэх

Зохион байгуулах газар

Omnogobi, Dalanzadgad

Холбоо барих

Johannes D. Rey

Johannes D. Rey (2020) kas

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Kasachstan +7 7172 92 50 31
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Fotos Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung

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