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Offering Democratic Education to the Mongolian Teenagers

A symposium organized in Zavkhan Province

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Нарийвчилсан мэдээлэл

Mongolian Capital City Ulanbator’s administration, After-school training organization union of the Republic of Germany (AdB), Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAF), Mongolian “Sunrise” union, and World vision international organization jointly held a symposium at the children’s camp “Dayan” in Zavkhan province on 26-29 July 2010.

The objective of the symposium was to introduce and promote best practices of developed countries in order to build capacity of the social workers and teachers in terms of methodology based on participation that will enable increase in the youth participation, socialization among them, and independence. Approximately 90 representatives from Ulanbator, Zavkhan, Omnogobi, and Arkhangai were at the symposium.

In the framework of this event, every Spring Mongolian social sector representatives from both the city and the countryside receive training and practice at the After school training centers of the Republic of Germany and learn the methodology of German adults working with the teenagers from firsthand experience.

Each Autumn, based on the experience from the training, experts from Germany and Mongolia jointly organize symposium and accustomed to presenting theory and practice training.

The 14 th symposium with the themes “Giving the children and youth environmental and ecological education”, “Theatrical teaching methods”, and “Methodology to prevent from violence and conflict” was completed successfully.

KAF has been participating in this cooperation programme since 2007 and actively cooperating in the organization through financial assistance.

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Хуанли дээр тэмдэглэх

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