Unsere jährlich - nun zum dritten Mal - stattfindende Veranstaltung ist ein Expertentreffen von digitalpolitischen Entscheidungsträgern, Wettbewerbsökonomen und Vertretern der Digitalwirtschaft. Überschrieben haben wir den diesjährigen European Data Summit mit dem Slogan "The Winner Takes It All". Das Motto verweist auf die Machtposition der großen digitalen Plattformen, die trotz vieler Kartellverfahren in den vergangenen Jahren eine unangefochtene Marktposition genießen.
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf 60 Personen begrenzt. Eine Teilnahme ist nur nach Einladung möglich.
Day I - September 30
03.30pm Registration, Coffee & Croissants
04.15pm Pre session:
Assessment of the European Commission’s White Paper on Levelling the Playing Field
Carolina Dackö
Mannheimer Swartling, Sweden
04.45pm Break
05.00pm Opening Remarks
05.05pm Keynote
A focused, proactive and digital competition law 4.0
Peter Altmaier
Federal Minster for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Andreas Mundt
President of the German Federal Cartel Office
05.30 –06.40pm Study Presentation
Restoring the Balance To Digital Competition
Rupprecht Podszun
Professor, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Philip Marsden
Deputy Chairman, Bank of England / UK Digital Competition Panel, Professor, College of Europe
Following a discussion with
Thorsten Käseberg
Head of Unit for Competition and Consumer Policy in the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Andreas Mundt
President of the German Federal Cartel Office
06.50 –07.50pm Session I
Four Options for the Platforms at the Gate
Paul de Bijl
Radicand Economics
Oliver Bethell
Google / Director Competition
Andreas Schwab
Member of the European Parliament, EPP
Rebekka Weiß
Wolfgang Kopf
Deutsche Telekom AG
07.50 – 08.00pm Break
08.00 – 09.00pm Session II
New tool for “winner-takes-most” scenarios
Silke Hossenfelder (via video call)
German Federal Cartel Office
Marieke Scholz
European Commission, The Directorate-General for Competition
Ben Schroeter
Booking.com, Amsterdam
Natalie Harsdorf
Deputy Managing Director Austrian Federal Competition Authority
09.00 – 10.00pm Session III
When privacy meets competition
Ioannis Lianos
President of the Hellenic Competition Commission
Aline Blankertz
Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
Sebastian Louven
Louven Legal
Simonetta Vezzoso
University of Trento
Wolfgang Kerber
Philipps-University Marburg
10.00 - 10.45pm Reception
Lewis Crofts
Editor in chief MLex Brussels
Pencho Kuzev
Day II - October 1
09.00am Welcome Address
Thomas Heilmann
Jaana Sinipuro
Sitra, The Finnish Innovation Fund
09.15 – 10.30am Session I
Framework for the governance of common European Data Spaces & GAIA X
Malte Beyer-Katzenberger (via video call)
European Commission
Boris Otto
International Data Space Association
Jaana Sinipuro
Sitra, The Finnish Innovation Fund
Thomas Heilmann
Marco Alexander-Breit
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
10.35 –10.45am Break
10.45 - 11.50am Session II
Two years of application of the GDPR / Empowering individuals to control their data?
Teemu Ropponen
MyData Global Finland
Frederick Richter
Stiftung Datenschutz
Paul-Olivier Dehaye (via video call)
Matthias Pfeffer
Journalist and Producer, Co-Author Prinzip Mensch
How can we make data institutions trustworthy and sustainable?
Jeni Tennison (video call)
Vice President & Chief Strategy Adviser, The ODI
12.00 – 12.30pm Lunch
12.30 – 01.30pm Session III
Data altruism – making data available for the common good
Barbara Prainsack
Member of the Austrian Bioethics Commission;Member of the European Group on Ethics
Dirk Brockmann
Robert-Koch-Institut / Humboldt University
Sebastian Graf von Kielmansegg
Christan-Albrechts-University Kiel
Johanna Seppänen (via video call)
Director, Findata - Health and Social Data Permit Authority, Finland
01.45 – 02.00pm Keynote
Anouk Ruhaak
Mozilla Fellow, Amsterdam
02.00 – 03.00pm Session IV
Data Trust as part of the European Strategy on Data
Anouk Ruhaak
Mozilla Fellow, Amsterdam
Martin Schallbruch
Deputy Director, Digital Society Institute Co-Chair, Commission on Competition Law
Malte Beyer-Katzenberger (via video call)
European Commission, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Shiv Malik
Head of Growth at Streamr, a co-founder of the Intergenerational Foundation think tank
03.00 –03.15pm Break
03.15 – 04.15pm Session V
How the re-use of Open Data helps address COVID-19
Lucia Chauvet (via video call)
OECD, Paris
Paul Maassen / Helen Turek
Open Government Partnership
Jeni Tennison (via video call)
Vice President & Chief Strategy Adviser, The OD
Ania Calderon
Executive director, International Open Data Charter
04.15 – 05.15pm Session VI
Boosting the EU Data Strategy: a human-centric approach to Personal Data Spaces
Antti Poikola
MyData Global Board, Technology Industries of Finland
Viivi Lähteenoja (via video call)
City of Helsinki
Ingrid Schneider
University of Hamburg
Thorsten Dittmar
05.30pm Keynote
Cory Doctorow
Activist, science fiction author and co-editor of the blog Boing Boing
Following a discussion with
Walter Palmetshofer
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
Pencho Kuzev
Miriam Schröder
„Background Digitalisierung & KI“, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin
Marie Jansen
Leonard Mack
Fraunhofer FOKUS
Pavel Usvatov
Day III - October 2
09.00 –09.15am Keynote
Single market for open data with a coherent regulatory regime
Thierry Breton (via video call)
Commissioner, European Commission
Pencho Kuzev
Victoria Boeck
Techologie Stiftung Berlin
09.15 –09.30am Keynote
Eline Chivot
Center for Data Innovation
09.30 –10.30am Session I
The scope of the high value datasets / How common is the list /Approach on HVD potentially identified on the side of public undertakings
Michal Kubáň
National Open Data Coordinator, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Jiri Pilar (via video call)
European Commission
Anna Ludin
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Martin Semberger
Federal Ministry for digital and Economic Affairs,Austria
10.30 – 11.30pm Session II
Essential elements of the delegated act at the EU-Level
Szymon Lewandowski
European Commission
Simon Chignard
Conseiller stratégique data chez Etalab
Lina Bruns
Fraunhofer Institut
Klímek Jakub
Technical lead / Open Data Task Force, Czech Republic
11.30 – 12.30pm Session III
Unlocking the value from data held by public sector bodies the use of which is conditional on the respect of rights of others
Heiko Richter
Eileen Fuchs
Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Germany
Andrea Katalin Tóth (via video call)
European Commission
Andreas Hartl
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
12.30 – 01.00pm Lunch
01.00 - 01.45pm The Open Data Institute – Experiences and Lessons learned
Jeni Tennison (via video call)
Vice President, The ODI
01.45 - 03.00pm Reception